Kinda annoying

Alright now if Thumbelina or the swallow were smart, then when she first got lost he would have let her go on his back and fly her home.I mean i realaize that there would be no moive but yea it just kinda annoys me haha. Its like they made it so hard on themselves when he could have flew her home anytime. But besides that, its a good moive. :)


I kinda thought that too. And when she was on the lilypad, he could've flown her then.

Xandi Sanders
God made coke. God made Pepsi. God made Greg Sanders so darn sexy!


yea i guess he only remembers he can fly when he has to take her to see the faries..


He runs an international spy organization,so he's very busy and doesn't have time to always fly a tiny little girl around the countryside! I mean, it's amazing he even had time to sing that kick arse song and fly her that one time!

j/k. My real theory is that the swallow purposedly didn't fly her home. He rocks, he MADE her go find the prince.
