Wow...that review

The first comment (Author: [email protected]) on the movie that I saw was pretty harsh...I mean I used to adore this movie as a child...

"I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?" -Sora


Sadly I did not see the review, but I did love this movie when I was a little tyke.

Though, upon recently watching it, I can see why someone would rate it harshly. (1)The plot was sad, it seemed as though everyone wanted to run off and marry Thumbelina (which buggged me. Of course, Thumbelina in general seemed to bug me...)
(2) Jacquimo had a very lame accent. Maybe that's just from recently taking french class, but. :D (3) You didn't really get to know the characters. I mean, sure, you followed Thumbelina around the whole time, but one didn't really get to see how her mind clicked. She just made small safe little comments throughout the entire movie, (which, can you guess? Bugged me. x3)

I did very much love the animation though (or, at least until it became computer animation took over).




I haven't thought about this movie in forever! I really want to get it on dvd I use to love it. :)

**Bones: Objectively I'd say I'm very smart but it has nothing to do with my ass.**


I loved it and I STILL do, just rewatched it ^^

It rocks, who cares about the frigginh plot, the songs are AMAZING and the animation and that beetle is too kinky not not laugh at ^^ Besides, the biggest things cartoons are lacking today are songs! Bring back the musicals! Oh, and of course people don't DRAW anymore, everything's just *beep* soul-less 3D *beep*

btw, the Jacquimo in the dubbed version I grew up with had a very cool accent :)

"Shmee, I think there's something wrong with this world...."

