So Much Leg!

Did anyone else notice how much leg Thumbelina shows through most of the movie? My husband and I were kind of laughing at it, because she was constantly hiking her skirt around (I think its an adorable character trait though) and jumping off of things, etc... And showing so much leg and thigh that I wondered if it was fan service!


I did too


I know she almost shows her panties like three times!


Hehe, I'd remember thinking this even when I was little.

Thumbelina was really flirty. :)


I just recently watched this again (was one of my favorite movies growig up) and I didn notice for the first time that her skirt is always showing alot of leg. But I agree, it is a cute charcter trait!


Same here!

But, heh, I think it's a nod at Disney. The animators are specifically told not to ever let a female character's skirt go up that high and have/almost have her panties showing. xD


Yeah, but all the disney girls are really flirty. Just about every Disney girl/princess gets married to someone they met like a day ago. Thumbelina was with Cornelius for ONE NIGHT and she gets married. Aurora sees him once or twice, and then marries him. Snow White sings with him and they get hitched. Cinderella knows the prince for maybe one or two hours and gets married to him. Ariel and Jasmine at least somewhat know there husbands before marrying them. Belle's the only Disney princess that actually spends some time with her man before they get married. Are all Disney girls harlots? Yep...pretty much.

"Devil child! Devil child!"


It's just the concept that you fall in love right away with someone and then all you see is happily ever after. You have to wonder what their life is like after the honeymoon- it's hard to think of a sequel that gets squeezed out where the two lovebirds aren't conflicting at one point then, happily ever after, again. Pretty disappointing to grow up and realize there are no princes and definitely no princesses around! Especially none that look like dolls.

Sigh. :(


Hey I'd definitely marry Cornelius if I saw him only one day, wouldn't you?? lol!

This was and still is my favorite movie is all time!! I love the music too!

Cornelius: Let me be your wings...
Me: Of course!!!!


I know me too!

(this is my brother's account :D )


I never noticed when I was younger, but I just rewatched it and wow. Y'think the prince would've gone for a tumble right away instead of waiting.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


It kind of makes her seem kid-like and innocent. Just doing her thing and going about her business without any thought to what she may show off in the process. It's a nice character thing.
Proud Rumrunner and Ringnut
