mutant bumblebee

big enough to carry a passenger the size of a thumb... how freaky is that??? and how ginormous did that acorn have to be to be thumbelina's bed??



I noticed how large Buzzbee was too.
I looked at him and I was like "Waitaminute, bees aren't THAT big!".
(At least, not compared to ones in real life.)

Then again, Thumbelina and Chornelius were very, very tiny,
so maybe it's all relative.

Although, he could be like one of those huge black bumble bees
I always see around my house. Had one flying around me the other
day attracted to some flowers. Those look very similar to him in
size and looks.


I've seen quite large bumblebees before, bt maybe it's just exaggerated in the film.

"The only thing Bond will be fighting is HIV" - Frankie Boyle, Mock The Week.



he was one of those large fuzzy bumble bees that like the smell of peperment. We had a ton of them by our house when I was growing up.
