MovieChat Forums > The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Discussion > What was the most evil thing that the Wa...

What was the most evil thing that the Warden did?

What was the most evil thing he did?


Have captain Hadly shoot Tommy.


My thoughts exactly.


The most evil thing he did was.....

Have Tommy shot and killed.


Very true. Plus he allowed all those rapes in the prison to happen when he had the power to stop them. Inaction is just as bad as a bad action.


Yeah, Norton was a little weasel.

He could have cared less what happened to Andy (or anyone else for that matter) up until he realized Andy was useful for his own purposes. If Andy hadn't become useful, the Sisters would have kept at him - and Norton would have continued to do nothing.


So Norton knew that what he was doing was wrong and he was evil. Correct?


Well, more so what you said -

"Inaction is just as bad as a bad action."

As far as the prisoners raping each other, he didn't care.

However, it's actually his own greed that turns him into an evil person - capable of doing what he does to Tommy.


You got it. As you said, if Andy wasn't useful to him, he would have left him get raped by the sisters.



Yeah, I've got a few here - thinking back on Shawshank - it's been awhile. But as I recall....

It's uncovered during a roofing job ANdy is financial wizard. Like anything else, it gets around. Guards start asking him questions (i.e. funding a college education). Next step is Andy starts doing taxes for the guards. Eventually he is doing Norton's taxes as well.

What I don't remember is at what point did Byron knock out one of the Sisters?? IOW, did Byron do this of his own accord? Or, once the Warden was also benefiting from ANdy's services - did he instruct Byron?

ANyway, yeah, Byron finishes off the Sister - Andy is never bothered again.

NOrton actually sticks with ANdy and takes care of him. ANdy gets the "one room Hilton". Creates a library. He has it about as good as it gets for someone in prison.

It's when Norton starts dealing dirty (with ANdy behind it) that things go South. After years of breaking the law, screwing the IRS, laundering tons of cash (for that era) - with ANdy behind all of it, there is no way Norton can ever let him out of prison. SO, when Tommy shows up with the story that Andy is in fact innocent - this is when Norton becomes rotten to the core, showing his true colors.

KNocks off Tommy, throws Andy in solitary. Fact is no matter what happened, Norton could not let ANdy leave that prison. ANdy knew too much.

Well, LOL - that was all from memory - haven't seen SR in years.

But I think that's how it went....


That's exactly how it went.



Thank you for confirming.

Ok, nice talking SHawshank with you brother.

Best wishes.


Best wishes


Throw Andy's window figurines around.

Andy worked very hard on those.
