the four edged knife

I just realized, the four edged knife that was in the movie The Shadow, was also very possibly the very same knife used in the Eddie Murphy, The Golden Child.
what do you ppl think? is it the same knife? I think it is the same


I don't think it's the same prop if that's what you mean.(although it has been a long time since i've seen the golden child despite how it seems to be on cable all the time) I think they're just both versions of the traditional Phurba



that's deep... but you still haven't answered the question. did hollywood props used the same knife? cuz they both look excatly the same


While I like Sales-413 trying to add depth, and giving hollywood far more credit than it deserves in more direct answer to your question:

Bearing in mind that I still haven't seen GC again, and that we're almost certainly talking about a whole series of props (even basic TV manages at least three, the toy that the idiot actor can't hurt themselves with, the one you can't let ppl see for more than a second or two, and the hero blade. Movies with real budgets do this several times over to give the director options, and because no one wants to pay for an extra day of shooting because the lighting effects didn't work right with a given prop), not one or two I don't think they're the same. IIRC the GC's was larger, and the Shadow's was rather more ornate.


Both movies used the Phurba knife. This is the Golden Child one: 03%20thumb.JPG


yeah, that's what I thought. surprised no one else noticed that


As Shriase noted -- while it's not out of the realm of possibility for the producers of The Shadow to have used the same dagger as was used in The Golden Child they are most likely different props.

There's no doubt the phurbas in the two movies look similar, but judging by the Wiki article...

... the similarity is very likely due to the props being based on traditional phurba design elements.


Also, possibly, they went through the same prop maker who used the same mold to make the knife. It's been a long time since I've seen Golden Child, also, so didn't remember the design of it.


I thought the same thing about the knives for years. Now comes the game Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and it uses the same knife.
