Batman Begins before Batman Begins
A young, troubled millionaire vanishes into the East, learns the ways of the criminal mind. Bruce and Lamont.
A villain with a legacy of conquering and destruction. Ras Al Ghul and Shi Wan Khan.
An elderly scientist who has a connection to the weapon of mass destruction. Lucius Fox and Reinhardt Lane (even Dr. Roy Tam qualifies) with the Microwave Emitter and the Atom Bomb.
A trustee chauffeur. Moe and Alfred.
An evil doctor who willingly sides with the main villain. Farley Claymore and Jonathan Crane.
A police commissioner who wants to locate the vigilante. Loeb and Barth.
Margo Lane and Rachel Dawes have little to no connection other than being the love interest though.
And lest we forget the heroes' respective caves and ability to turn men's fear against them.
The Shadow is such an underrated gem, it really needs to be rexplored!