MovieChat Forums > The Shadow (1994) Discussion > Anyone listen to the radio show?

Anyone listen to the radio show?

Anyone else listen to the radio show back in the day for The Shadow? I just loved it. We didn't have any cable tv for our tv, so it was either dvds or the radio, loved me some of The Shadow before bed back in the day! I would love to see a new movie for The Shadow done up properly.


I love the old radio shows!! Whenever I hear the Shadow being mentioned, I think of Orson Welles' voice and that unforgettable laugh!


What was this "back in the day" that you speak of, when the only options for entertainment were either DVDs or old-time radio from decades ago?


“Back in the day is an ignorant rendition of “back in THE OLD dayS,” which was a phrase that made sense. It’s analogous to the moronic “the proof is in the puddin,” which is a moronicism of “the proof [test] of the pudding is IN THE EATING.” Does the pudding taste good? Then it passes the taste test. “Proof” means test. It does not mean “evidence.” The command “prove it,” only means “test it.” Yeah, I know most people don’t grasp this. Y’see, you can test stuff and find out it is not up to snuff. If that’s the case, the stuff has not been validated. Tested? Yes. Validated? Nope.

Words matter. They really do.


My best friend and I would listen to tapes of it on our drive to school (class of 87). We got a kick out of the effort put into exposition.
This movie was surprisingly good. Should have had a sequel. 7.5/10


Have you checked out Most of these shows are public domain now and free to download.


Thanks for the heads up. I'll give it a look (listen)


Literally hundreds of shows....Boston Blackie, Suspense, even the very hokey Fantastic Four radio show with a VERY young Bill Murray as the Human Torch.


Lots of stuff on YouTube as well. I was listening to an old Dick Tracy episode on there just the other day.


You can download old time radio app on your phone or if you have scribd/everand, you can listen to it too.


Yes, I thought I was the only one!

I'm not old enough to have heard the original broadcast, but when I was a teenager I wasn't allowed a TV in my room, but I was allowed a radio. My favorite station broadcast re-runs of old radio shows, my favorite were Jack Benny (hilarious), and "The Shadow". It was quite good, creepy and atmospheric, and BTW I always liked this movie. It's great fun, I wish it were rerun now and then.


I agree. And there is a pretty good blu-ray release of the movie from Shout Factory, with a little retrospective interview video with Baldwin and others.


I just saw they have some of the original radio shows on Spotify.


I had them on vinyl and loved them


later on they even did a couple special episodes on vinyl that were never in the original broadcasts. One had The Shadow against a computer or something like that.


I'd like to see a radio drama revival. It's a fun art form, and in the era of podcasting it seems like a great time to revisit this style entertainment.

I know a few people have done some podcasts of a similar nature, but I haven't really been impressed with any of them. It was more just people reading lines with some sounds in the background than proper, old-style productions.


There are various independent radio dramas out there, of varying quality.
And occasionally radio networks like NPR have audio drama. Those are usually the best these days.


I had some tapes of The Shadow back when I was a kid that I used to listen to. It was great. It was part of that big box set that PBS/NPR released in the 90s. It was something like 20 tapes of a variety of shows.

All those old radio shows were wonderful. I wish they still existed.

"Say good night Gracie"


No one who is not dead.


