MovieChat Forums > The Santa Clause (1994) Discussion > Falls into the "If Santa Claus isn't rea...

Falls into the "If Santa Claus isn't real then who brings the gifts?...

Category" which is common plot hole in a lot of Christmas shows and movies. I consider it almost lazy of most screenwriters that use this as a plot in these movies. If you are making a movie in which Santa Claus truly exists then just go with that.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


I don't think about this movie like that.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


I always wondered why everyone just now starts seeing Santa? Also, Santa is supposed to come late at night, but Scott was delivering gifts supposedly in the early evening when everyone was still up and around.


If Santa Claus isn't real, the parents bring the gifts. Duh!


That's not the point the OP is trying to make. If there truly is a Santa Claus who is bringing the gifts (in the movie) then how do they explain the gifts they clearly wouldn't have out themselves. I know I put out my son's gifts because we are Santa, but if there truly were a Santa then I would be very confused about where the gifts Santa brought came from since I think we are Santa and know which gifts we put out. I don't actually find this to be a plot hole because I don't overthink this type of movie, but I suppose it is in a technical sense.

"There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." - Rod Serling


Maybe each parent assumes their spouse is responsible for the 'Santa gifts' and doesn't question it. Maybe the husband or wife will even accept credit for it behind the scenes and say, "Oh, you got me, it was me" if their significant other asked about it. ;)


Most of these movies are targeted towards kids and parents who watch this with their kids. Kids wont notice this plot hole and parents will understand that the plot is not meant to make sense this way.

A universe that has santa and everyone knows it would be very strange. A lot of things would be different if there was a known supernatural entity with unlimited manufacturing capability and time bending home invasion skills


I figure that part of it is that in this universe the parents are not that bright when it comes to that. Kind of like how in action movies, or super hero movies the regular police seem too stupid to be cops.

They probably just figure another family member or neighbor bought the gifts.
