

are enemas still used today as 'alternative therapies', also does anyone like recieveing them

i had an enema a couple of years ago before an appendix operation, and must admit, i quite like it, it was very 'stimulating'

any other fans?


Enemas are the best! I love getting enemas. I give myself enemas once a week. I feel sorry for those unprivileged people out there who have never had an enema. If only they new what they were missing. Actually, I've never had an enema.


lol, you totally had me.


Hey, casonword,
With friends like you, who needs enemas ;)


Enemas nowadays are almost never used for medical reasons, only in cases of severe constipation. They used to give them before natural birthing, to prevent "fecal accidents", but the result could be made worse (I will not give details).

Nowadays enemas are considered as being more of a kink (klismaphilia) than anything else.

Many suppose that Kellogg was a klismaphiliac, which is what the movie emphasize.


The modern term for 'enemas' is 'Colonic Irrigation' and it is practiced as a cleansing alternative therapy. I'm not sure that it's a recognized procedure by the medical establishment, but a lot of "alternative therapies" out there are not.
It is known that John Harvey Kellogg did prescribe enemas (lots of them) for his patients at his sanitarium. This movie does a pretty good job of portraying how easily people believed his theories and that "all that putrid muck and filth" inside a person's body was a bad thing. But it's a fact of life that if you're gonna eat, you're gonna *beep* -- there's no way around it.
I believe the 'stimulating' effect of an enema is similar to 'stimulating' feelings associated with any kind of anal stimulation. If one can get past the negative associations with anal sex play there is a lot of "new territory" one can explore - and enjoy!
Good luck!


Enemas and colonic irrigation are not the same thing.


Explain your last statement.


They are not. Check medical dictionaries.



Ok, folks. Enemas are an injection of water, usually a couple quarts, to clean up the rectum, sometimes the colon. There are also barium enemas, you give to get a clear view of the colon.

Colon hydrotherapy consists in a series of enemas done with a special equipment. Around 25 quarts in injected in several fillings and the purpose is to get a more thorough cleaning of the colon.

The advantages of colon hydrotherapy is disputed.

Enemas are also a sexual fetish.


I am a colon therapist doing more research. A colonic is the rolls royce of colon cleansing, try it. It is not a sexual procedure, it is a detoxification procedure. My mom remembers her doctor having a machine in his office years ago. You will feel lighter and flatter after having one and does a body good when it is constantly being poisioned. I also do coffee colonics.


This is without a doubt the grossest thread on this site.



My fiancee and I like to crawl into an empty bathtub together, give each other an enema and see which one of us can hold it the longest. I always win. Or is she the REAL winner? Eh, you decide!


As an avid supporter of the Cleaveland Steamer, I find enemas affect my results drastically. Avoid them at all costs!

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach, yeah!


Don't enemas make you poop?

