MovieChat Forums > The River Wild (1994) Discussion > Meryl Streep's best performance

Meryl Streep's best performance

I remember seeing this a few times as a kid. At the time I didn't really know who Meryl Streep was. Now that I look back on it, I still only see her as this character, not Meryl Streep. Even as a kid I knew that this was a great performance because she was so believable! I know why she's been crowned the best actress ever by many people. As far as I'm concerned, this is her best performance. But I haven't seen most of her movies. She was incredible in Doubt


Have you ever seen "Kramer vs. Kramer"? That is one of her most famous movies. And her acting in that one is just as good as in "The River Wild", or even better.

«I was on the fire escape! I saw ya!»


Also Sophie's Choice.

Get back you stupid bird,so I can love you.-Dr. Sheldon Cooper


I didn't care much for her acting back in the day of Sophie and Kramer but she grew on me. I just did not get her, but, you know what? NOW, I LOVE MERYL STREEP SO MUCH. And I am going back to see what I missed. Love The River Wild! It just might be her very best.


streep really goes against type in this role as it's pretty far from her usual stuff.I thought she was great in it and it was a decent film but i would'nt go as far as to say it was her greatest performance.

