MovieChat Forums > The River Wild (1994) Discussion > The dad letting Rourke keep the $200

The dad letting Rourke keep the $200

Its been discussed here before about the dad making Rourke give back the $200, that $200 is way too much for even a grownup to accept from a stranger as a birthday present let alone a 10 year old child. However, one should look beyond that. One should consider the strategy being played out here. As its been mentioned, Wade knew the $200 was way too much and he figured the dad would make Rourke give it back. Wade had already started to form a bond with Rourke, being friendly with him before they started their rafting trip and giving Rourke his hat. By giving Rourke $200 and depending on the dad to make Rourke give it back, that was all a part of Wade's strategy to make Rourke mad at his dad and create an even bigger rift between father and son. Rourke was already not getting along with his dad that well since the dad was not being much of a family man being too rapped up in his work as an architect and not doing much with his children. By planning it out so that Rourke gets mad at his dad about not being able to keep the $200 he just widens the gulf. By making him give back the $200 the dad plays right into Wade's hands. Wade then forms a bigger bond between himself and Rourke, letting Rourke ride in his boat and showing Rourke his gun, of course it is only a bond that is meant to serve Wade and his purposes and just as he had planned, he takes full advantage of the bond. Perhaps if Tom had let Rourke keep the $200 than Rourke wouldn'tve thrown a tantrum when Tom and Gail try to take Rourke and split and they might've gotten away.


thanks for that extensive write-up, captain obvious! :)

"He must've thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"
