River Wild vs White Water Summer.
This movie is a little bit of White Water Summer? Kevon Bacon stars in both.
This movie is a little bit of White Water Summer? Kevon Bacon stars in both.
They are two very different films.
In overall quality, The River Wild is easily the better of the two.
Despite it's many flaws, Wild is carried very well by the great chemistry among it's cast. The performances over-ride some very tedious script, and keep the audience's full attention.
However, even the good points didn't save Wild from being only fair in it's genre.
White Water was at times fun to watch, and had some impressive footage - but was otherwise a mess.
I beg to differ. As a film in and of itself there is some truth to your post but the overall message and believability defiantly goes to White Water Summer. I think it's a more enjoyable film because it doesn't have to go over the edge to be entertaining.
Watched TRW last night; tonight I plan to watch WWS. Fun movies from my childhood!
I got news for 'em. There's gonna be hell to pay. 'Cause I ain't Daddy's little boy no more.
A little bit. Bacon was a much bigger prick in River Wild, though.
I'm happiest...in the saddle.
The River Wild is the much better film in nearly every conceivable way, but White Water Summer is a fun "guilty pleasure".
They're mainstays on my "great outdoors" list