I really like this film, it's good demented fun. Parts 2 and 4 often get criticised for being a tonal departure from the first but I don't think there's that much of a departure, both films just bring elements which were in the background of the first film to the forefront, like more overt black comedy. I know some people don't like Leatherface's female demeanour in this film but in the first film he dressed up as a woman to cook dinner. They even had a deleted scene from the original of Leatherface making himself up. The character is supposed to assume the identity of the faces he wears so I don't think this film betrays his character.
I think it's pretty clear with this entry that Kim wanted to parody the genre but I still think he handled the horror aspects really well. The house and surrounding areas were very atmospheric and that frenetic, relentless feel of the villains chasing and terrorizing the victims is there. I enjoy the hell out of some of the performances, McConaughey and Tonie Perensky are particularly entertaining. It's a pity Kim Henkel hasn't directed more, he has a flair for dark, absurd and humorous material which is a mix I think would be a lot more accepted these days.