An often forgotten theme of Reality Bites
It's also important to remember that the young people of the 90's were the children of the 'divorced and unhappily married parents' generation (the children of the 'revolutionaries'). At one time all of my brother's friend's parents were divorced. This is an oft forgotten theme of this film (that is explored), both LeLaina and Troy's parents divorced 'badly' and Vickie's parents are unhappily married. As a result we had a generation of kids who were traumatised by those experiences and were hell bent on doing everything opposite to what their parents did. Most Gen Xers have married much later than their parents and have committed to the 'white picket-face' lifestyle much later because they know the deal - they lived it and don't wish to put themselves, or their children, through the same trauma.
Many Gen Xers grew up thinking that their parents lifestyle was a crock and that it lead only to unhappiness, so they sought out a different path, but in the end we all return to the path most trodden...and perhaps that's a theme that some people miss about this film.
The young people of the 90's didn't want anything to do with their parents lifestyle because they had seen first-hand that it didn't bring happiness, but in the end, they really have no choice.