MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > Where were Vincent and Jules taking Marv...

Where were Vincent and Jules taking Marvin to? (spoilers)

After killing (presumably) Marvin's 3 friends in the apartment Vincent and Jules are driving him somewhere... before Vincent accidently shoots him in the head. Where are they taking him and why aren't they punishing Marvin for being involved. Is Marvin the one who ratted out his friends to Marsellus?


Marvin was Marsellus's guy on the inside. Presumably they were taking him back to the bar where they eventually meet up with Marsellus.


Thats a very large stretch, there is nothing indicating that marvin was a man on the inside.

Most likely Marvin was going to get tortured or something else heinous

the first guy who was shot, was done so to set the tone, and the other guy shot Jules and vincent.

nice try, but diamonds being the briefcases contents hold more water than marvin being Marsellus' inside man

Terrible....take a lap


If you didn't consistently prove yourself to be a totally ruined, obsessed, ignorant, retarded jackass, I would care to discuss something with you. But since you do consistently prove yourself to be a totally ruined, obsessed, ignorant, retarded jackass, you can go to hell.


In essence youve got nothing, so instead of just admitting as such

you have to be a little bitch about it

Where did you make up that Marvin was an inside man, bc in the movie THAT never occurred


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If you didn't consistently prove yourself to be a totally ruined, obsessed, ignorant, retarded jackass, I would care to discuss something with you. But since you do consistently prove yourself to be a totally ruined, obsessed, ignorant, retarded jackass, you can go to hell.


Copying and pasting your post only supports my thesis and notion that

YOU have NO CLUE as to what youre talking about

Marvin is on the inside HAHAHAH


Terrible....take a lap


You have proven too many times that you have shít for brains, woody. That's your fault, not mine.

And I know you're going to send private messages to me now, but, they will be deleted, unread. Sucks to be you...


by woodntuliketoknow » 2 minutes ago (Wed Jul 6 2016 08:13:15) Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since February 2011
Copying and pasting your post only supports my thesis and notion that

YOU have NO CLUE as to what youre talking about

Marvin is on the inside HAHAHAH


Terrible....take a lap

While you didnt do an EXACT copy and paste it was close enough

Terrible....take a lap


by cheeso65 » 2 hours ago (Wed Jul 6 2016 07:45:11) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since April 2001
Marvin was Marsellus's guy on the inside. Presumably they were taking him back to the bar where they eventually meet up with Marsellus.

so you like this theory therefor its true, thats not how it works sweetheart

sorry try again

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Wow and you get my thread snitched away about this very question

If you really didnt like me challenging you, you could have jsut left the board, getting it deleted is quite childish

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Ya I don't know what happened to the other thread, I saw some of your points there but to say that they were taking my Marvin to be tortured is more of a stretch than him going to the bar. When they arrived Juels and Vincent were talking about how they got one of there guys in there plus maybe three more, than make the joke about shotguns. If Marvin was not the inside man Vincent would of killed him when he didn't warn him about the guy in the bathroom, which he would of done but Jueles stopped him. There is no other reason for Marvin to be taken out of there alive unless he was the inside man, they would have no problem killing him there and leaving no witnesses. They wouldn't waste time taking him somewhere to torture him they already had what the wanted, what other info would they need from him to torture.


apologies, i got caught up with the other guy

Im not saying they WERE taking him to be tortured, im saying they could have ben bringing him to Wallace for the boss to do what they please

Marvin was crying and sobbing on the floor, an inside man wouldnt have broken down like that. then some say he, Marvin, was just soft, thats also a little far fetched, heres a guy whos timid but wanted to be a gangsta in the mold of Jules and Vince

Jules getting mad he got shot, is as i stated, is because it draws serious attention to people who just committed homicides

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It could go either way however you interpret it, it wasn't until years later that I started noticing that I thought Marvin was the inside man. When I was younger it never occurred to me until years later. Also they never said he was supposed to be a gangster like Jueles and Vince. There are people who associate with gangster's that can help them out and make money with them but doesn't nessicarily mean that they are made to be killers. Look at De Niro in Casino, maybe not the best example but some people are the muscle and some are used for different things. Again however you want to interpret it, it's just a movie people see things different.


fetched, heres a guy whos timid but wanted to be a gangsta in the mold of Jules and Vince

That's also far fetched. Who said he wanted to be like them? Who says he doesn't just want to stay an informant?

Let's be bad guys.


Fair enough to all those who think him to be the inside man, i dont see it at all, and it certainly makes more sense if what you guys are saying is true, that he WANTS to be involved in a life of crime, again i dont think Marvin was an altar boy who one day woke up and said let me get involved with these guys

He had to have been predisposed to this kind of lifestyle if he was on the inside...willingly

If he were FORCED to be an informant by wallace and the crew that would make more sense

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You could look at it that way, Marvin could of been a junkie who owed Marcellus money and to pay it off they were using him to rat out these guys he knew. He was pretty shook when they walked in he might not not know if he was going to come out alive.


this is from a vanity fair article

Why do you think they pulled it?

I don’t know for certain, but I do know that we had a rehearsal a few weeks before shooting started, and it was just me, John Travolta, Sam Jackson, Quentin, and Sam, the A.D. And when I walked in, John Travolta goes [as Travolta], “Aw man, I gotta kill him? The audience is gonna hate me.” I believe he and Quentin decided that if he had to actively kill me, it would negatively effect the audience’s relation to his character. And I think he was right. It’s a really subtle difference, the fact that he does it accidentally. Travolta and Tarantino just had this sense that killing me intentionally was going to be over the line. I guess they decided it changed the way these hit men are portrayed. But it’s weird, because, yeah, honestly they really did just blaze through a bunch of kids for no reason.

so he was intended to get killed one way or the other, he was not an inside guy

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so he was intended to get killed one way or the other, he was not an inside guy

Yes, that was based on the previous version of the script in which Marvin is shot in the neck, and Vince has to intentionally shoot him as a mercy kill.

He was an inside guy who Vince accidentally shoots. But in the original version he has to intentionally finish him off and in the actual film version, he's killed immediately as an accident.

Let's be bad guys.



the only thing, is the (i.e. Marvin) was never said at all in any way

He was someone who wanted to be put in that lifestyle, so no i dont think hed breakdown as such at the sight of murder

if he were forced into his position, then i could see that but thats not whats being presented

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An inside man who is young and also new to the game would break down like that at what was most likely his first time witnessing a murder face-to-face. Marvin was most likely a runner, a person sent just to get the case, and NOT a killer. There are young guys that work for mafia/crime lords that do not know anything about the operations or the people involved. They are usually offered a small reward and are rarely given the actual details of what is really going on.

i understand your position, i just in all honesty and humility just dont agree, Wallace isnt a small time crook, hes cold and calculating, why would he send a rookie in to get the briefcase, thats careless and out of character for a guy who threw someone off a building for giving uma thurman a footrub

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there was an assumption that they had a guy, they also werent sure of the exact number of people present

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im not choosing not to believe anything, i just said im unsure if their guy is in the apartment

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all my point is, while they say that their guy is in the apt, they also are unsure about how many people in total.

Their uncertainty in general towards the situation is whats shaping my opinion in the matter.

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SFMZone, you're repeating yourself, but it's useless because the guy you're responding to has crap for brains.

The truth of the matter is, he doesn't really care about the topic. He's a deranged psycho who checks my message board history and throws himself into discussions I'm having to disagree with me, in hopes of getting my attention. When I remind him that he's proven himself to be a clueless fool so many times that I generally won't discuss things with him, he has an emotional meltdown and sends me multiple private messages, in a desperate plea for my attention. (I've provided a screen shot to my inbox in another thread to prove it, even though he bizarrely denies it.)

Now that he's stated his position, he has to maintain it, no matter how many times he's proven wrong by so many people. He has to keep up the charade because it's better than admitting he's an obsessed, deranged psycho who desperately needs my attention.

Don't take my word for it. Read this thread, he's been proven wrong numerous times and he won't care about evidence or logic. Same thing in the thread about the briefcase. The guy is a nutjob.

Also, in each thread, you'll notice a pattern - his initial post is in response to me. That's no coincidence.



Cool. Just don't expect him to admit or understand that he's wrong on this matter. You're trying to convince someone of something that is beyond the point of why he posted here in the first place.


Being unsure in one aspect casts doubt in the entirety of the situation

And don't mind cheeso, he's a hard headed imdber who has not much else going

Terrible....take a lap


he's a hard headed imdber who has not much else going

LOL at this coming from the numbskull who stalks me from message board to message board and sends me private messages all day. 


Every single one of your posts yesterday was about me

Talk about obsessed

Terrible....take a lap


Every single one of your posts yesterday was about me

You stalked and followed me here. You posting history proves that. The other people reading this thread know that. You're a brain dead idiot.



From your comparison I understand that you understand my position

Thank you tho, I am going to certainly look into Marvin being on the inside

Thanks sfmzone, cherso65, take notes

Terrible....take a lap


Thank you tho, I am going to certainly look into Marvin being on the inside

Thanks sfmzone, cherso65, take notes

Yeah, after calling you out for being a stalker you're pretending like you care about the topic now. The private messages you know you've sent prove otherwise, you deranged, obsessed psycho.


Take notes, me and the other user had a conversation about the topic

we didnt call the other out for not agreeing, we spoke like people

I know its difficult for you to ascertain, but maybe one day youll be mature enough to do what was represented above

Terrible....take a lap


me and the other user had a conversation about the topic

Yeah, only after I called you out for being a stalker, you're pretending like you care about the topic now. The private messages you know you've sent prove otherwise, you deranged, obsessed psycho.

I had to repeat the message because, you know, you have crap for brains and you apparently didn't understand it the first time.

maybe one day youll be mature enough

LOL at this coming from the obsessed psycho who sends me numerous private messages then lies about it. 


Ive been discussing the Marvin question, I made several threads about it

You cannot seem to do that

why is that>?

Terrible....take a lap


I see what you're saying as well, but I wasn't stating either way how big or small Wallace was.

I do think that many crime lords of varying degrees of clout hire younger men to do their bidding in these situations. Marsellus probably wanted someone who looked young and kind of preppy to play the part and "befriend," or at least become acquaintances of, the other 3 college guys (the roommates) so that he could get him into the apartment.

Brett and Co would never have believed that Jules or Vincent were college or just-out-of-college dudes. Hence, sending in young Marvin to get a foot in the door.


I agree, they would hire younger men or peers to infiltrate.

However we are lead to believe that this briefcase contains something very important, so i dont think he would send in a first timer.

Marvin just seems like some scared kid who was in over his head

Terrible....take a lap


You guys also should be addressing they were all business associates of Marsellus. Hence the reason why Jules asked about there business partner and what he looks like. They were planning on screwing him over and we're probably going to make a run for it and Marvin gave them up.


Wallace isnt a small time crook, hes cold and calculating, why would he send a rookie in to get the briefcase,

Marvin wasn't there to get the briefcase. Vince and Jules were.

thats careless and out of character for a guy who threw someone off a building for giving uma thurman a footrub

Except that's not why that happened. Uma makes it clear it had nothing to do with her.

Let's be bad guys.


right, but the briefcase was still very important sending in a rookie to deal with any matter of it would be of the same logic

Terrible....take a lap


Assuming he didn't come to them:

"Yo, Marsellus, they gonn' rip you off, man."

Marvin was a guy Bret and his guys trusted. He was with them at 7 in the morning having breakfast.

Let's be bad guys.


An inside man who is young and also new to the game would break down like that at what was most likely his first time witnessing a murder face-to-face. Marvin was most likely a runner, a person sent just to get the case, and NOT a killer. There are young guys that work for mafia/crime lords that do not know anything about the operations or the people involved. They are usually offered a small reward and are rarely given the actual details of what is really going on.

Right after Vincent talks about how people in Holland put mayonnaise on their French fries instead of ketchup, he and Jules go to the trunk of the car to get their weapons. This is the exchange that takes place between them that establishes that Marvin is their associate:

Jules: We should have shotguns for this kind of deal.
Vincent: How many up there?
Jules: 3 or 4.
Vincent: That’s counting our guy (i.e. Marvin)?
Jules: Not sure.


Vince specifically mentions, "Our guy."

They have a guy on the inside. That's why Jules knows Marvin and introduces him to Vince. Vince is new in town, so to speak, so he doesn't know all of Marsellus's guys just yet.

Not to mention Vince gets upset Marvin didn't tell them about the guy in the bathroom. Why would Vince be upset about that if he wasn't their inside man?

Let's be bad guys.


It takes a special kind of idiot to not understand that. Hence, woodntuliketoknow.



Heck, he goes with them willingly, not scared at all to get in the car with them. He's not nervous. All that freaked him out was the killing, understandable for what was clearly a young, low level guy.

But he's not afraid of Jules or Vince.

And of course, the most concrete proof: they didn't kill him. They killed three other people, and got the stuff they came for. Why take Marvin? The Bonnie Situation would've never even happened if they'd just killed him in the apartment. But he was obviously their "guy."

Let's be bad guys.


On screen to Marvin this was NEVER made clear

We see them telling Marvin what to do but not insomuch that they did it as equals they were commanding him.

Equals don't treat equals as such

Terrible....take a lap



Thats what i took it as, as well. He was 100% a known character, as reinforced by the bartender, My man in Amsterdam, or something similar

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Jules says to Vincent that there are about five guys in there and they say "including our guy"


Two pieces of circumstantial evidence that Marvin was an inside man for Marsellus:
1. There is one in the first place, hence Jules mentioning "our guy";

2. Marvin is the only one in the apartment that Jules and Vincent allow to leave alive. This suggests he is "our guy" - otherwise why not leave four corpses there rather than just three?

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


by cheeso65 » 1 day ago (Wed Jul 6 2016 07:45:11) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since April 2001
Marvin was Marsellus's guy on the inside. Presumably they were taking him back to the bar where they eventually meet up with Marsellus.

Re: Where were Vincent and Jules taking Marvin to? (spoilers)
image for user woodntuliketoknow
by woodntuliketoknow » 1 day ago (Wed Jul 6 2016 08:05:03) Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since February 2011
Thats a very large stretch, there is nothing indicating that marvin was a man on the inside.

Most likely Marvin was going to get tortured or something else heinous

the first guy who was shot, was done so to set the tone, and the other guy shot Jules and vincent.

nice try, but diamonds being the briefcases contents hold more water than marvin being Marsellus' inside man

Terrible....take a lap

Re: Where were Vincent and Jules taking Marvin to? (spoilers)
image for user cheeso65
by cheeso65 » 1 day ago (Wed Jul 6 2016 08:09:45) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since April 2001
If you didn't consistently prove yourself to be a totally ruined, obsessed, ignorant, retarded jackass, I would care to discuss something with you. But since you do consistently prove yourself to be a totally ruined, obsessed, ignorant, retarded jackass, you can go to hell.

Terrible....take a lap



After shooting "hand cannon guy" and referring to Marvin, Vincent asks Jules, "Is he a friend of yours?"

Jules responds, "Huh? Oh....Vincent - Marvin. Marvin - Vincent."

Prior to going into the apartment, they refer to "our guy," then Jules knows Marvin's name and introduces him to Vincent, and, they don't intentionally kill him, and in fact, include him in the discussion they're having in the car...and yet, this crap for brains moron woody thinks Marvin is not the inside guy!

You just can't get more brain dead than woody. 

Just be glad he's not sending you endless private messages...


They were never introduced as comrades

That part you are completely making up
This Theory holds less weight than their being the soul in the briefcase
Terrible....take a lap


They were never introduced as comrades

No one said they were, you brain dead idiot! 

Thanks for proving, yet again, that you have crap for brains! 


You are insinuating that they are in cahoots

There is nothing in the movie that definitively shows that Jules or Vince knew Marvin as being an inside guy

There is here say

There is conjecture

There is NO hard evidence

Terrible....take a lap


You are insinuating that they are in cahoots

I didn't insinuate it, I stated it. Because the dialogue and action in the movie definitively shows that Jules knew Marvin and he was their inside guy. It's not hearsay, it's not conjecture, the dialogue and the action are the hard evidence that prove it's true, you brain dead moron! 


Yea and I'm saying you're wrong

The movie in no way shows a definitive relationship between them, most definitely not one where Marvin is a marsellus Wallace's trainee

You made that whole part up

No piece of dialogue confirms that at all, please provide the text from the movie that supports what you are saying

Terrible....take a lap


There is here say


And that's not what that is. Since we specifically saw Jules say, "Our guy," that means it's not hearsay.

Let's be bad guys.


He doesn't say "Marvin our guy"

Does he?

Terrible....take a lap


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: woodntuliketoknow has crap for brains. He keeps proving it over and over in this thread alone.


You have done nothing but been wholeheartedly wrong

You are insisting that some piece of dialogue explaining that Marvin is the inside guy exists, when it 100% does not

it just doesnt

you are FABRICATING lines if you think so

Terrible....take a lap


He doesn't say "Marvin our guy"

Does he?

No, but he is the only one they take alive. Hence, Marvin is their guy.

Let's be bad guys.


thats putting the cart before the horse

Just because they take him alive, doesnt 100% definitively mean he was their inside guy.

He was not a threat, as he was sitting crying in the corner

that does not look like a guy whos calm cool and collected

Terrible....take a lap


No, but he is the only one they take alive. Hence, Marvin is their guy.

It bears repeating, because it's true: woodntuliketoknow has crap for brains.


that doesnt mean anything

but take a look at all your posting today, can you try and keep my name out yo mouth bitch lol

Terrible....take a lap


Here's a post from today,

I didn't insinuate it, I stated it. Because the dialogue and action in the movie definitively shows that Jules knew Marvin and he was their inside guy. It's not hearsay, it's not conjecture, the dialogue and the action are the hard evidence that prove it's true, you brain dead moron!

Yes, there's your name!


Because the dialogue and action in the movie definitively shows that Jules knew Marvin and he was their inside guy.

which piece of dialogue?
what scene?
what line?

Terrible....take a lap



Marvin is a protege for the notorious Marsellus wallace, so his protege lost his shît after seeing some gun fire

come on thats not very plausible

"Is he a friend of yours? He's getting on my nerves. Shut him up." That's when their introduction took place, and solidified the fact that Marvin was an inside man.

There was never any confirmation of anything, unless done off screen, you dont even quote Jules or Vince as confirming anything

The 3 young guys that got murdered in the apartment for trying to pinch Marsellus's briefcase were not actually friends of Marvin's. He freaked out because he was new to the underworld of being a hired assassin, and I believe that those were the first kills he'd ever seen. This is the reason that I referred to Marvin as Marsellus's protégé

Ok so this is where i feel youre a bit contradicting, so Marvin freaked out, thats obvious,your reasoning is quite interesting, so Marsellus made someone his protoge who was not very nuanced in the criminal underworld? Why would he send him, Marvin, to help aide in recovering the briefcase, even those who are just starting out in the criminal underworld have a propensity to violence, he didnt wake up from being an altar boy one day to dive into the life of crime

Also, something else that is relevant and noteworthy: You can hear Vincent apologizing to Marsellus in the bar when they were saying hello to one another and embracing. This was shortly after he accidentally shot Marvin.

hes apologizing bc the plan didnt go according to plan, and bc theyre seemingly late after having to clean the car and change their clothes.

Marvin in no way seems like a new underling to the wallace crime family, theres NOTHING definitive behind it

Terrible....take a lap


Perhaps protégé is not quite the right word. Marvin was definitely some sort of runner for Marsellus, though. As I stated previously, Jules knew him and he introduced him to Vincent. Therefore, he was someone who was somehow involved on the Marsellus side of things.

Marvin probably wasn't a killer, just a runner hired to collect things and drop them off. Maybe he went there to simply take the briefcase back, and the 3 roommates wouldn't give it up. That was perhaps when Jules and Vincent were sent in to "finish the job."

so Marsellus made someone his protoge who was not very nuanced in the criminal underworld? Why would he send him, Marvin, to help aide in recovering the briefcase, even those who are just starting out in the criminal underworld have a propensity to violence, he didnt wake up from being an altar boy one day to dive into the life of crime

There are young guys hired by mobsters and crime lords that deliver their drugs or pick up things for them without knowing what the goods are, or who the other people are. It's something along the lines of "Look kid, you're gonna go get this briefcase for me and I'll give you a nice little reward for your effort. No questions asked, ok?"

And your altar boy reference was hilarious. You made a good point there. :) Maybe Marvin was no innocent, but he certainly wasn't a killer, either. Hence, the meltdown at seeing the killings.


FYI - the moron you're arguing with has shít for brains.


Nobody is arguing, were having a conversation, join if you want

but pointing fingers and calling me names wont make you anymore right

Terrible....take a lap


• a statement or series of statements for or against something
• a discussion in which people express different opinions about something

a : a reason given in proof or rebuttal
b : discourse intended to persuade
Thanks for proving, yet again, that you have crap for brains.


You're so sad

The guy I'm discussing with specifically criticized your bitching

Terrible....take a lap



Hehehe, I just posted some of the same dialogue. ;)



Ya I think it is pretty obvious that Marvin was inside guy. IT doesn't mean he was a protégé or even knew Marsellus. All he did was give them a heads up about where they were. Vincent didn't know him but Jules did considering he introduces him and wouldn't k ow his name any other way. The other guys did business with Marsellus also which is why they knew what he looked like. All Marvin was, was a guy who gave them a heads up about where some guys were that screwed over Marsellus and might of only knew Jules. It doesn't really matter all that matters is he was obviously the inside man and is why he wasn't killed also. So him losing his *beep* about the killings doesn't matter, he could of been a little kid from Jules' block who wanted to roll with the big dogs but obviously couldn't hack it so he stuck around tipping people off about things he knews. Either way it's irrelevant who he was but he had to be the inside man. Sorry for replying to you but when I read your dialogue it made me think of the dialogue where Jules introduces Marvin to Vincent.



It doesn't really matter all that matters is he was obviously the inside man and is why he wasn't killed also. So him losing his *beep* about the killings doesn't matter, he could of been a little kid from Jules' block who wanted to roll with the big dogs but obviously couldn't hack it so he stuck around tipping people off about things he knews.

this is a big point in all this, why would marsellus entrust a kid with little experience to recover, or aide the recovery rather of the briefcase.

Wallace seemed more savy then to send some kid in with such little experience.

Him losing it, portrays that.

Terrible....take a lap
