MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > What was in the briefcase

What was in the briefcase

Always thought it was the chalice, the Holy Grail, like the artifact like in Indiana Jones, Marcellus Wallace bought.

It would tie in and make sense about SLJ's journey to redemption, enlightenment, and finding God.


They never say, and it's not really important to the audience.

And let me be the first to say it's not a soul. That is a really dumb and silly theory.


As dumb as Tarantino's writing is, it could be a golden dildo for all we know


It was a jar of orchid honey made by specially trained bees.


Whats funny, is youre such a loser, that you posted what you did, so you can engage in some type of discussion

is a golden dildo more plausible than a soul dickcheese?

Terrible....take a lap



What's really funny is that you have shít for brains. If you didn't, you would know that's what message boards are for: discussion. But you do have shít for brains, so the obvious has to be explained to you.



Why dont you address

You have proven over and over that you have shít for brains. I'm not going to discuss something with someone who has shít for brains, like you.


Ahh, so just close your eyes put your fingers in your ears and scream until the problem goes away

is that why you have no friends and resort to DISCUSSION on IMDb?

its comical how you downplay the soul theory but by saying nothing gives credence to the Golden Dildo theory

you Mongrol idiot

Terrible....take a lap



That is not the point

the point is for any user to be so against one idea, the briefcase containing a soul, but when a more erroneous comment, such as the contents are a dildo are met with no such reservations, it shows what twitwit is all about, its not about trying to figure out what it is, since with no such confirmation, speculation on a 22 year old movie is fun.

Why are you running to this users defense?

Terrible....take a lap


Why do you have shít for brains?


Why ISNT there a soul in the briefcase

Terrible....take a lap


A light bulb


It appears to he an orange lightbulb. You win something. Sunce giving internets is such a trite thing, how bout an award for NOT being like the two angry dicks above. ?


Hahahaha, so mad you are, at what exactly?

inb4 you dont really care, since if you didnt you wouldnt comment

Terrible....take a lap


I know there's a lot of wild theories, but I've always assumed it was just money. The light could be a symbolic thing rather than actual light emitting from the briefcase.


I know there's a lot of wild theories, but I've always assumed it was just money.

That wouldnt fit with a guy like ringo though. Would his response to a briefcase full of cash be "Is that what I think it is?" It seemed to me, based on his reaction and Vince's reaction in the apartment before that this is an unusual object. Unusual but known. Its also a singular item.

Hell, Vince probably wouldnt bat an eye at a million in cash in a briefcase. Seems like a normal thing for a guy like Marcellus.


I like to think it's Marcellus' soul. There is no other explanation that fits the dialogue. Until I hear a better explanation, this is the one I am going with. At the very least, it seems the most creative and fun answer to consider.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes


Ringo wouldnt know what a soul looks like though would he? Nor would Vince. I think Vince would be really confused about whats in there if is was a soul and not saying "We happy".

The real answer is it is a really valuable, rare but known object. With no name.


I like to think it's Marcellus' soul. There is no other explanation that fits the dialogue

It doesn't fit the dialogue at all. The dialogue does not indicate that it's a soul at all, but is pretty generic, except to describe something beautiful, amazing, and instantly recognizable, which doesn't sound like a soul, especially one of a murderous gangster.

Until I hear a better explanation

The soul is not a good explanation. But an explanation is not needed, anyway, because the audience doesn't need to know what's in the briefcase, all we need to know is that it's important to the characters.


This toolbag has no idea as to what hes talking about

it is a question being presented, is it important to you? No, so why do you hash on about it?

It is a macguffin is the factually correct answer, the origins for certainty as to what the "macguffin" is up for debate

It is a viable question, and the soul being the contents, have gained the most popularity from Pulp Fiction fans as being the most likely item

Whats sad is instead of joining together and seeking the correct answer, everyone here bickers about who they think is most wrong

This above user, is just faulty in her logic

Terrible....take a lap


You're boring, Woody. It sucks to be you, so desperate for my attention that your sending me private messages, knowing they will be deleted unread.


I dont know what youre talking about

But again, how about responding to the source instead of fluttering on about Messages being sent to you

Terrible....take a lap


Maybe they were the shiny car keys to Marcellus' Kia Soul parked at the impound. Hence, why Marcellus is walking in front of Butch.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes


He had that Kia Soul future model, or it was A Soul Asylum CD

Terrible....take a lap



Well, whatever it was it was shiny and golden so as of now, think to stick with my original perspective. It had to be something extremely powerful to get Ringo to calm down and look at it in awe. He says, "Is that what I think it is?" or something so it had to be something incredibly famous and likely iconic that a random person like Ringo would recognize it and be in awe of it.


I always thought it was a bunch of gold bars


Gold bars would be heavy as hell. I didnt notice Vince or Jules particularly struggle with a the case as they would if it was full of metal.


A Royale with cheese. And mayo. Light mayo.

I was the kid next door's imaginary friend



No. It was Kentucky fried chicken.
