The Pop Tart Scene...

Is easily one of my favourite scenes of all time. The reason it stood out to me is because of the reaction of Butch and how it made me feel about what I would have done. We don't know if he was going to shoot Vincent or not. Maybe there would have been a discussion, maybe he would have kept Vincent at gun point while slipping out the door, maybe he would have shot him in the knee, who knows, but the fate of the toaster closed the deal. If anyone of us, with a killer instinct or not, was in that position, 99% of us would have pulled the trigger at the sound of the Pop Tart jumping out of the toaster. A classic study in involuntary reactions due to external events. Trying your best to explain to a judge why you pulled the trigger would have been a scene of a different kind. Even a priest, you know, the real good ones, would have likely squeezed the trigger at the time. A small and brilliant scene. I'm pretty certain I would have pulled the trigger too.


Excellent observation. I never thought of any of that.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBUZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


I would of sat Vincent down and discussed red apple cigarettes over some delicious strawberry pop tarts!...Mmmmm!


I think this is exactly what set off the O.K Corral gunfight.


What kind of an idiot hit man would go for a crap in his would be victim's bathroom leaving a deadly weapon in the would be victim's kitchen? Vincent was a fool who died a fool's death.


I thought, what kind of fool sticks around to make pop tarts when he knows all kinds of bad people are after him? He had the watch, he should have left immediately.
I know though, then Vincent Vega wouldn't have been killed.
Butch was also in a hurry to catch the 11 o'clock ride out of town. He had less than 2 hours. He decides to stick around in his apartment and make a morning snack? He was supposed to have breakfast with his girl.
I also know, it all worked out for the best, now he doesn't really have to go into hiding. He's safe as long as he stays away.

But, it's still one of the best movies ever. I love this flick. I remember seeing it in the movie theater and after it was over I wished it wasn't. I just sat in my seat and didn't want to leave.


Pop tarts are just about as irresistible as that steak Vincent had and the burger Mia had at Jack Rabbits Slim. ESPECIALLY them damn strawberry ones! For me at least...


Characters in Tarantino's movies are flawed.


The movie kind of downplays it a bit, but Vincent is often portrayed as doing stupid things. In the apartment, when they enter, while Jules is interrogating the boys in the main room, Vincent should have been checking for hidden people. Instead he's just putzing around in the kitchen. He picks a pointless fight with Winston Wolf, who was there to clean up a mess VINCENT created because Vincent couldn't practice basic gun safety. Vincent needlessly almost re-escalates the diner situation after Jules had de-escalated it.

I think we're meant to believe that the only reason Vincent has lasted so long is because he was partnered up with Jules. Jules retired from the life and Vincent barely lasts a day or two before getting himself killed.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


Butch was stupid to go back for the watch in the first place. In the original script he drives there and for a moment stops and thinks that maybe he's punch drunk from too many hits to the head and is throwing his life away by going back. But he talks himself back into going there, telling himself that it is his personal "Wake Island", where his grand-dad was killed fighting the Japanese. The pop tarts moment is the icing on the cake and classic Tarantino but the real stupidity is going there at all. Fortunately for him Vincent was in the toilet as he always is in this film when something serious is going down, and he idiotically left his gun behind.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


In all fairness to Vince (and yes he is a careless fool who has had his brain rotted by heroin use IMO), he didnt really expect Butch to show up there. I mean of all places to not go when you are on the run from gangsters, I would have to say your own apartment is probably right up there.

Butch wasnt ever supposed to be there at all so in a way Vince was kind of right. It was just that damn watch he went back for. SO Im not going to be too hard on Vince for leaving his gun out there when in all probability it wasnt going to be an issue.

But it ended up being a thing and Vince paid for it.


Vincent screws up in several parts of the film, his last, leaving a gun on the counter while he goes to the toilet, leading to his death. But Jules does not really cope with the situation either except in the diner scene. Jules could have sent Vincent to check the other rooms when they are getting the briefcase but he does not, and they only survive what happens next by chance or "divine intervention". Jules does not really deal with the Bonnie situation either - the Wolf does that.
It would appear both Vincent and Marsellus are hanging out in Butch's apartment but Marsellus had gone for coffee, which was what he was doing when Butch encountered him on the road.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


What is interesting is that Butch has come back to his apt. to get his watch. He is sneaking in because he is worried that Marcellus and others are waiting for him there to kill him since he didn't take that dive. I guess after he gets in and gets his watch he didn't see anyone there so he decided to cook a pop tart because he was hungry and figured it would be safe. Of course, during that time, he then sees the gun Marcellus left on the table when he went to get doughnuts and coffee and Butch realizes that someone must be here and then he hears the toilet flush and Vincent comes out of his bathroom. Vincent didn't have a gun on him, if I recall. Maybe Butch waited to see what Vincent was going to do and then just as the pop tart finished, that was when Butch decided to kill him because the shot would be at the same time as the toast popping. Maybe it would hide the sound? Anyway, the thing is that you wonder why Butch didn't just leave immediately after getting his watch and decided to cook a pop tart. Okay, maybe he felt safe for a moment, but I think I might've just gotten out of there quickly because I have to get back to my girlfriend at the hotel and I don't want anyone sneaking up on me at the apt. I think Quentin was trying to let things run on a little to build up suspense in a way.
