Just about everything Randy Quaid said (having worked in newsrooms, I can attest there's a Randy Quaid in EVERY newsroom):
"I don't read this newspaper." "You make my wife cry when she reads the paper." "She bought it, didn't she?" "When did you get so paranoid?" "When they started plotting against me."
Well, I remembered Keaton saying to Close, when she put up her dukes, "Are you nuts? Are you mentally nuts?" And the line became a catch-phrase with me over the years. But then I watched the movie again--enjoying it very much too--and found I had mis-remembered it--I think. So my favorite line was not even in the movie! Get that. I love Keaton in just about anything--my favorite remains, probably Night Shift, with The Dream Team a close second. Of course, he was great in the one, what is it called, about the coke addict. But this movie was not really a "Micheal Keaton movie." It was a ensemble work, with multiple main characters. Among so many wonderful performances--Tomei's, Randy Quaid (he is always great), I feel Glenn Close stole the picture. Notice that moment in the film, which only lasts a couple seconds, when she sits in the bar after Quaid tell her "that's what Henry meant." You can see her thinking....
When Keaton is about to leave for work, Tomei tells him to say hello to everybody at the paper...then says, "But not Alicia, I hate Alicia. Let's see, who else do I hate?" At least, that's the way I remember it.