come on folks, this movie is pretty cool. keaton is the of his best performances here. HIlarious as well as suspenseful and it succeeds as a very genuine drama too. lets rethink that rating and get it up where it should be.
Nobody could have done it better than Keaton. I think that with this particular role it would have been pretty easy to deliver an excessive acting and make the character unbelievable. With Keaton however, Hackett's nervousness never seemed to be exaggerated.
I also agree, that the movie works as a comedy as well as a serious drama, though not being a tragicomedy in my opinion. There are only few films that manage to do that.
What I enjoyed most, is the fact, that the movie is fast-paced, yet carefully handling the more tender moments and featuring nice details all around. That's why I could watch it over and over again.
I couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw the rating. The movie is severely underrated!
Wow, it's great to find a few others who love this movie. I've seen hundreds and hundreds of movies of every genre and this is in my all-time top five. It just hits all the right comedic notes for me.
I've seen a fair number of Keaton movies and, to me, this movie best epitomizes "him." He has so many great lines ... "no caffeine" in the morning when Marti asks Henry why he just doesn't drink battery acid, the final phone conversation with the editor from the other paper, the restaurant scene with Henry's parents ... ah, I could go on.
Such a great cast, too. Even, say, Jason Alexander in a bit role. He was barely on the radar screen then.
I think we need a favorite lines/scenes thread. Too bad this movie has so few folks on this board.
This movie isn't my top 5, but a 6.2 is absolutely ridiculous. This was a fairly critically acclaimed film during its release. I understand that this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was certainly a well made film. I randomly typed this in wondering what the rating was, and I was shocked to see 6.2. Personally, I expected low 7's. I voted an 8.
It’s not top five, but definitely top twenty. This movie does better than any other movie that I have ever seen (except for maybe "Rogue Trader") that captures the emotion of being all-consumed with one's job; and I don't mean focused, but downright obsessed. I've gone through a phases like this, and the attraction to the movie, despite all of its pluses and minuses as a piece of filmmaking, is its sheer ability to properly put on film the adrenalin which allows workaholics like myself to feel at home watching the story unfold.
Absolutely right! I'm only just seeing it now--2015!! on HBO OnDemand. Loved it!! Michael Keaton is so awesome in this role and Duvall is Duvall!! Awesome! Your comments are perfect!
Right i do a BTEC media course at college and i had to analize this picture and i literally fell asleep, no lies. i got bored but then i haven't yet found a ron howard film i like, he's not a bad director in the least but i found this film really tedious.
I completely agree! This film was great, I mean Michael Keaton was the lead actor so of course it was going to be great, it was a splendid film and a solid 8 in my opinion.
I SO agree. I have no idea why this is not rated higher or why it wasn't a bigger hit. It has all the ingredients of a quality film: star cast, superb acting, interesting plot, great directing and execution. I guess it's just one that fell through the cracks.
"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy