I was JUST about to bring this up, I got a copy of this DVD to donate to my local library because they had a copy on tape several years ago and somebody checked it out and never brought it back. On Amazon I found a couple of reviews that mention the problem is Richard Tyler is already a bookworm, not so. He reads medical journals and about accident statistics, but he clearly never cut his teeth on fiction and ever saw what all it had to offer and that is generally what kids read long before anything nonfiction. The reasons why are different but in today's world there are probably a lot more kids like Richard Tyler than when this movie was made in that a lot of them don't read and especially never cover the 3 genres of fantasy, adventure and horror, which are the main ingredients to a child's healthy imagination.
Now as to why he didn't read, I don't know. But we do know that before he went to the library, he did not have a library card and clearly had never been before. I can relate to that because I was never taken to a library until I was 13, so until then I really did not read much either. We didn't have a lot of books as kids and most of them were already memorized past the 1st or 2nd grade range, thank God when I was 9 my brother discovered Fright Time books at the dollar store, and he knew I was obsessed with horror and mystery so he got a few of them for me and I fed off of those for a couple of years before I could finally go to the library and check out my next big thing, Mary Roberts Rinehart, who wrote the story for my favorite murder mystery movie as a child, The Bat.