Is it just me, or does the timeline of their trip not add up?
When Kate first meets Giovanni, she hisses at Faith that she hasn't eaten or slept in two days. When Giovanni drops her off at the Pensione, he tells her that he can't see her until the day after tomorrow. However, after Kate has seen Giovanni again and almost left for the airport the next morning, we see Larry on the rooftop shouting about how Kate has "only been gone 48 hours."
If someone can break this down for me, I'd be very grateful! I could never make sense of the timeline in this movie.
First, I question the word only. (watching now so I check) Normally when arguing and upset one thend to exageate the offense not minimize it. I would suspect he said "over" (or should have and no one caught it).
But as for the time line. 1) Giovanni says he won't see her for a couple days, but explains he'll be back tomorrow night. So in essence that's only 36 hours.
2) Kate seems to be easily nauseated, therefore she would not have eaten on the plane, or even before flying. Since the flight is about 7-9 hours? add that to the time line. Also the body clock issue she might have not desired for becasuse her stomach was upset still. They also have the drive time between Paris? and Italy. And the 36/48 hr issue probably applies again.
Again Larry would have probably not have "declared" Kate gone until he awoke the next morning and she hadn't returned. I was also going to suggest that the time difference (8hr?) might add to the question, but I think it would make it worse.
The problem seems to be the issue of yesterday morning until this evening being two 'days', therefore incorrectly, 48 hours.
There is still a bit of a timeline problem, but not so much when you understand the 36 = 48 hour issue.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world, before the truth can put it's shoes on."
The time frame makes no sense to me, either. By my calculations, the whole timeline of the adventure to Italy has to have lasted from Friday night (in Pittsburg), to Friday morning (in Positani).
Larry can't have only noticed that Kate had been gone for 48 hours, since he must have made the call to AMEX, late on Tues. or early on Wed., and she told Faith that she left a note that she was leaving him before she left on Friday.
Also, that must have been the longest Labor Day weekend on record.
However, the film is so cute that I'm willing to suspend that disbelief, and "go with it."