Faith's curiosity

I realize that everything doesn't have to make sense in a romantic comedy, but I find one thing hard to believe. Faith spends the entire movie "desperately seeking Damon", going to extraordinary lengths (and distances) to meet him. When she finally comes face to face with him at the airport, you would expect her, at least, to confirm whether he is the man she has been looking for. He may be a different Damon Bradley. She doesn't even mention that she spoke to him on the phone, or ask him how he knows her fiance. Of course, it doesn't really matter because she is in love with Peter, but I think anyone would be curious about it.


By the time she meets the real Damon, I think she's shell-shocked. Not to mention Peter is right there. And Damon definitely isn't anything like Peter or any of the guys she thought were Damon. I assume she was stunned and confused by the time she meets the real deal.


I think that the point of the real Damon Bradley is that he gives her the advice that Faith needs. It was when he tells her which plane to catch, that resolves Faith's search.
