UK Channel 5 Wednesday

This film is on this week in the UK. Is it any good?

I know he is a crap actor but I want to ses arms breaking and plenty of needless violence. Will I be disappointed ?



It was just another formulaic Seagal movie. Why on earth did Michael Caine star in this film though?



It was poor. Not much violence and the most boring script in the world.

It's a good job I watched Out For Justice the previous night on DVD. Now that has some serious violence.

I would not recommend this film.


I was surprised to see quite a bit of blood. These types of films tend to show baddies being shot to death yet they do not drip a drop of blood.



Well put, Steveday / OutforJustice, why the hell they see fit to cut everything out of movies in the UK I don't know, especially considering that there have been many many British movies at 15-certificate (of which there is no US equivalent) and 18 (as opposed to the US "R-Rated" which is basically a 17 certificate) whilst far fewer mainstream US movies seem to get this high rating.

Why the BBFC (the UK version of the MPAA) decide that even though they've put an age restriction on a movie they're still entitled to cut large chunks out of it I'll never know. At least things are starting to improve these days (as is evidenced by the fact that it's now next to impossible to get a film with an 18 certificate) but it's small consolation when you find butchered copies of classic 80s and 90s movies.

On Deadly Ground was banned in Norway, by the way...!

I've just finished watching the uncut version of On Deadly Ground for the first time, having watched the UK version many many times in the past on video. I'm a big Steven Seagal fan and I've always liked this movie. The restored - and more violent - scenes elevate the action movie to more than just another A-Team special, as well as filling in several plot holes and gaps in the sequence of the movie which I noticed when watching the cut UK version.

For example, it was unclear what happened to Hugh, having your fingers broken is hardly terminal and suddenly he's lying in the substation with a pipe cutter next to him. Now, finally, I know why.

I can overlook the OTT "natives in peril" / "spiritual journey" plotlines and the environmental preaching simply because it's still a well structured action movie along very similar lines to Under Siege. It's got a classic bad guy you love to hate, a high-tech hero with guns and toys aplenty, lots of martial arts, firefights, explosions and action set-pieces, as well as a few stunning settings and half decent CGI thrown in as well. Even the music is great, with a nice rolling theme tune that feels both industrial and classical at the same time.

So yes, it's by no means an awful movie, if you like SS then it's well worth a watch, but make sure you get the uncut version to get the full effect.

"He's the man's man, and I'm the cupcake!"




I'm with you, OFJ, and that's awesome post. Sorry for the delayed response!

"What is it, Larsen?" "It's oil." "Oh, thank God. This is a new *beep* suit!"

