R2 dvd in near future?

Never seen this film, but as a stupid action film it looks okay. Any news of a R2 dvd anytime soon, and an uncut version at that? (there's over a minute of cuts to get it to a "15" cert at the mo... rediculous)



The R2 UK DVD was withdraw as it had an incorrect 12 rating on it. The Australian DVD is uncut and rated for R2 players. You can get it from EzyDVD or any other Aussie store for about £8.



Uncut ?

Is there any version with that scene with Joan Chen on the trailer clearly getting ready to strip. Never in the movie. Seems to be a minute difference between the DVD and the laserdisc. Is that a typo? 102 vs 101 min. Yeah 3 years later someone responds.

Books are meant to be read, if not, they'll die and so will we!


The UK version is cut by over 90 seconds by the BBFC (UK censors) for violence. The American and Australian DVDs are uncut.

My Films: www.youtube.com/gncfilms
