MovieChat Forums > On Deadly Ground (1994) Discussion > Eskimo's don't agree with Segal

Eskimo's don't agree with Segal

I saw some interviews with some Eskimo's a few Years ago about their opinion on drilling in anwar, (A region with no endangered species, caribou are not endangered and only pass by the region). The Eskimo's said that they welcome the drilling because it gives them a chance to get much needed employment and maybe get out of the poverty level. Apparently unlike Mr.. Segaul suspects, Eskimo's don't like living in grass huts, and would like central heating, and a big screen tv, as much as the rest of US. I asked an environmentalist what he thought about the opinion of the Eskimos and he said that they really couldn't grasp the "big picture" and needed organizations like Earth Libaration Front,(ELF) to make complicated decisions for them. OKKKKKKAAAAYYYY???????

May all your good dreams, and fine wishes come true!-Mike Jittlov (The Wizard of Speed and Time)


yeah i agree dude, too many people are patronizing and think to themselves that eskimos are little men in igloos who need to be protected from big mean companies. Do me a favour, this is real life not a primary school assembly.


Anyways, it's ANWR not anwar.
As a resident of Alaska, I welcome ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) drilling. Environmentalists say that it's a wilderness. When in truth, all it is, is flat, tudra, and permafrost. It does have it's animals, none not even near extinction. Plus it's only drilling on a small area. Environmentalists even protested against drilling in Prudhoe Bay and the pipeline from that to Valdez. They said it would hurt the environment and cause a drop in wildlife population. Get the fact, all animal species since then have increased dramatically in population. In 1964, there were only tens of thousands of caribou. Now, there are millions of caribou. They said that it might interfere with migratory bird patterns because they'd be scared of all the machinery. When in truth, it has at least double population of migratory birds. It has provided a safe place for birds to nest. Sure there's an occasional oil spill, but greatly enough, they usually happen in winter, where it can be easily fixed. Alaska is one of the most costliest places to live, but also one of the places where you can make easy money.



Mega dittos, killer0576, eco-friendly energy is the way to go. Fossil fuels are the way of the dinosaur.

Master card player? Resort casino owner?? or SS car enthusiast??? Make your best guess.


Not gonna happen until there is no other alternative.


Mega dittos, killer0576, eco-friendly energy is the way to go. Fossil fuels are the way of the dinosaur.

Master card player? Resort casino owner?? or SS car enthusiast??? Make your best guess.

Whatever is cheapest.


Hahahaha:))) I'm beginning to think the oil industry hates this movie and pays people to write crap on the forums here. The poor paid writers probably got underpaid too because there are enough people who would talk crap for free. So why pay them when they can do it for free!? It's even gonna look genuine. But! The lower rating this movie gets, the cheaper it will be to buy it and broadcast it on TV so more people can see it! So, that's good in the end:)


Dude, think what you will. But you might like to ask an Eskimo if they like living in the 7th century. However you might be one of those non Eskimo's who knows better for them than they do. This film was a worse disaster than the Valdese. The only thing good about this flick was Ming Na. Which was initially the only reason I rented it in the first place.

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at:



No, I believe at the time I was just slacking, and too lazy to look it up. Perhaps it was Ming Na.

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at:


Your post clearly shows two things about yourself F-cked up Dumb-ass & Idiot.


Gee BubbaFish,
I can't tell you how much that hurts me. I think I'm going to be scared for life. You don't know the massive emotional trauma you have put me through. I've been lamenting and crying all week because "BubbaFish" thinks less of me. Oh the Humanity. What suffering have I brought on myself. "BubbaFish" thinks so low of me. Oh, great lament that will keep me up nights in sorrowful reflection for a year. How tragic can it forever be. To deserve such a fate.
Never shall I recover from such a horrid reflection that will constantly haunt me. Oh Horrid lament. I don't think I'll ever get over it, I... oh! Wait... wait... oh, I'm over it.
Wow that was quick. ;D

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at:
