What does it take to change the essence of a man? A deeper look....
This question has bothered me since I saw this movie in 94. For 14 years, I have constantly thought about what is the definitive answer to this question. I have watched this American classic scene over and over, and I finally discovered, wisely, Mr. Seagal does not give the answer. Is there a definitive answer to this question you ask? The answer is not as simple as a yes or no.
Lets all analyze this scene together and you will discovered not only did Mr. Seagal dared to ask us this profounding question, he also provided us with drama, action, and laughter at the same time. How many movies out there can achieve this feat I ask you.
In the beginning of the scene. Mr. Seagal confronts Big Mike for beating up on a defenseless little native man. Mr. Seagal starts by asking him an easy question, "Are you a man?" Big Mike's response was he is a man simply because he has a big pair of balls between his legs. With this answer, Mr. Seagal was able to see right away the essence that is inside Big Mike. Truly remarkable. At this point, Mr. Seagal could simply lay him out to make his point, but he didn't. Mr. Seagal chose to play a children's game called the hand slapping game. Why did he choose this? Simple, the essence inside Big Mike belongs to a child. He does not know what is right and what is wrong. In order for a "Child" to understand a lesson, sometimes a game is needed to prove the point. Simply brillant. During the game, Mr. Seagal was also able to reveal his humble side by calling himself a "cupcake" and questioned if he would be the one still standing afterwards. What a remarkable man. When Big Mike vomited after the second punch, Mr. Seagal was able to make us laugh by wondering if he ate bad Halibut at Maggie's! Hilarious! After the final strike and when it's all said and done, Big Mike stood up bloodied. At this moment, with total silence in the room, Mr. Seagal asked, "What does it take, what does it take to change the essence of a man?"
Now, I believed because of the severe beating Big Mike got, he probably wasn't too coherent to give a clear answer. However, from the answer he gave, we can see he is beginning to question his own essence. Big Mike told Mr. Seagal he needs time to change. Can time actually change the essence of a man, or is it what a man does with the time he is given that would truly reveal to him what truly would change the essence of a man? In the end of the scene, I believe Mr. Seagal does give a hint to the answer of this thought-provoking question. He simply said, "I do too, I do too." Keep in mind, even though he is the one that was teaching Big Mike a lesson, he admits his essence was not perfect either! Truly amazing! The answer is there is no definitive answer! It is different and unique for each of us! Keep in mind, If Mr. Seagal needs to change, I think we all do too. You might say to yourself that your essence is fine the way it is and you do not need to change, but let me ask you this... If you are proud or arrogant enough to think this way, isn't there something wrong with your essence already. I believe Mr. Seagal would say so. I encourage all of us to take a moment and think about what is the essence inside each of us and how we can use the time we are given to change it. When you do find the answer, please post it, so we can all help and enlighten each other. Thank you, and may you be able to change the essence of the man that you ultimately wish you can be.