Most Offensive movie I've ever seen.
I had the misfortune of catching this Turkey once on cable TV, an experience so hideous I've never forgotten it.
On Deadly Ground is the absolute worst film of a spectacularly horrid film career, a deeply offensive and artisticly bankrupt movie if I've ever seen it.
Sure, the acting was expectedly awful, from the wooden mumbling of Segal (and isn't he just about the least convincing Karate champ you've ever seen, at that?) to the over-the-top goonery of Michael Caine (a good actor sinking to the level of the film he's trapped in). Sure, the dialogue is witless and boring, and the plot moves mechanically through one action cliche after another. Sure, the direction is leaden, and offers no surprises or visual pinache which it can use to elevate the film beyond it's cliches (such as in the visually arresting and spectacularly entertaining Die Hard and Sin City).
But don't most Segal films boast these flaws as well? What made me hate ODG in such a special way.
In short, it was the film's repulsive attempts to weld a fringe leftist enviornmental message to the mayhem. Segal's "hero" murders a parade of oil-company baddies and temp extras in this film for no crime greater than polluting his pristine Alaskan Wilderness, which the Eskimos hate (blah, blah). Most of these villains are not murderers, and few have committed violent crimes of any sort. In the end, ODG seems to equate the death of animals with those of humans, as if there were no difference between startlingly sick a message as I've ever seen in the movies.
Oh, and the film isn't even intelligent enough to use a clever metaphor of script developement to get it's message out. No, it lazily TELLS us it's message in a ludicrous SPEECH at the film's conclusion, insulting audience intelligence even further by not trusting us to sort out the film's wacky beliefs before the strained conclusion.
People, Billy Jack did this stuff 30 years ago, and if it sucked then, it's gonna suck now.
There is not a shred of a reason to see this film, EVER.
No stars, ZERO stars, and I'm usually a very leniant guy when it comes to the movies I review (it's harder to get a ZERO-star from me than it is from the notoriously leniant Roger Ebert).
This film belongs on the barrel's underside, alongside such awful or repugnant fare as POLICE ACADEMY movies, the sequel to MORTAL KOMBAT, MARGARET CHO concert movies, the Lou Ferrigno gladiator ripoff of the Seven Magnificent Samurai, SWIMFAN, BAMBOOZLED, etc....
"Timothy Dalton should get an Oscar...AND BEAT SEAN CONNERY OVER THE HEAD WITH IT!!!"