MovieChat Forums > On Deadly Ground (1994) Discussion > The environment speech at the end *sniff...

The environment speech at the end *sniff*

It was very touching and moving, I guess you could still speak out against corporations in 1994. Here we are more than a decade later and the global corporate consolidation of power is nearly complete, Darth Bush and the globalist clan are in power and they have liberals & libertarians on the run. This is the era of Big Brother Corporate run Government, all we can do now is look back and remember the way America used to be.



Drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge is an exercise in futility. First of all, the oil companies would have to FIND the oil. Then they would no doubt destroy the land for an estimated SIX MONTH supply. And, as far as how much land is dug up, the oil companies say it would be something like 2,000 acres of surface contact area, or something. That whole "surface contact" part is key. If you go with that surace contact standard, then theoretically, my double futon only takes up about 10 inches of space on my bedroom floor. Even though the mattress encompasses an area of about 12 square feet, the legs are the only thing in CONTACT with the floor, hence the principle of "surface contact".
If memory serves me correctly, wasn't this forum to discuss Seagal? I'll get back to that, it's more fun!
Uh, yeah, the speech was corny. Seagal kicked a*s, but his speech was corny.



What reasons do you have for believing that "earth is here for man" other than the fact that you're a man?

Also, all that oil in the ANWR would be sold directly to Asia and would do jack *beep* about our energy problems. That's a fact, investigate it for yourself.




I love people like you. It gives me the opportunity to feel smug about how higher up the evolutionary chain I am.

You are such a dumbass twat. The Earth is not here for anyone it just is and if we don't respect the fact that we have the power to mess it all up then we will become just another evolutionary failure.

Personally I'd feel a damn sight happier if you had to spend $10 on a single gallon.


Stop Whining! We have to pay about three times as much for gas (or petrol as we call it down here) in the UK! The gas prices in the US are too high; that's rich!

"I was making a sandwich"-
Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson): Death Wish 4


No-moron-we pay $3 a gallon because the oil company executives need to make9 figure salaries


I agree thx. This country is headed straight for the pooper. All of our freedom is slowly being stripped away from us by King George and his pack of power hungry cronies!!

Only after disaster can we be resurrected


I can't believe you people are taking ANYTHING in this film seriously! The original poster must be a recipient of the liberal needle-exchange program or something; that last speech by Seagal was one of THE WORST scenes in film history! I laughed my ass off, and your attempt to take it seriously was even funnier!

"Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined."



Whatever is happening to the earth that we perceive as negative, or has happened in the past, or will happen in the future, is the fault of human activity. The earth is growing warmer and cooler, simultaneously, and it is our doing. All the prior ice ages were the fault of humanity's Hummers, even though they were not there, it is still our fault, retroactively. Only chimps, bears, plants, swimming in rivers and other such things will set us free. Is it not obvious?

"Deep/ironic/whimsical quote."
- Songwriter/actor/author/historical figure.


I am repling to this comment by Fuzzynavel because it made me laugh to see what sounded like the words of one who had been inebriated and then low and behold I saw the poster of this message. Thanks for a much needed chuckle.



That speech at the end is meaningful and forshadowed what is happening now..I think it is high time we found a cleaner source of fuel.I think what thx is saying(not live in the dark ages as someone has said) is the good old day were when the people spoke and set the rules.Now the man who would "protect" america is in the pockets of every corporation.And its looking bad.

By the way this is a kick-ass movie.


When did the people ever set the rules??? This is a crappy Segallmovie not some meaningful movie, and if I see anyone say anything about global warming i will personally burn down every forrest, kill every animal on the planet, remove the entire ozone layer and replace it with CO2,and then set the whole planet on fire.


how can anyone take that speech seriously? electromagnetic cars that run by themselves, are you talking about the ones that go a couple miles before the battery dies? And "internal combustion engines have been obsolete for fifty years," isnt that THE most efficient chemical reaction possible?


isnt [the internal combustion engines] THE most efficient chemical reaction possible?
No. The efficiency of contemporary spark-ignition engines (aka Otto engines) is about 25%. In other words, of the heat energy produced by the ignition of the fuel, about 25% is converted into the mechanical energy used to move the vehicle. The remaining 75% is lost to: cooling -- 30% (the heat must be removed quickly or the engine would melt); exhaust -- 25% (heat lost in exhaust gases); friction -- 10%; pumping -- 5% (moving the air/fuel mixture and oil around).

That said, this movie remains an unutterable piece of s h i t. Does anyone know if the full 14-minute speech is available anywhere? It's supposed to be gut-bustingly funny.


Check me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, the engine is powered by pressure. When fuel is burned, the resulting gases occupy more space and the pressure difference drives the pistons. Even assuming that you're correct, all the items you listed as being lost are actually needed by the vehicle except friction. So only ten percent of the energy is actually lost, and ninety percent is needed for proper operation of the vehicle. As to it being the 'most efficient chemical reaction possible' I'd have to know what the source for that information is.


First of i'm not a liberal i voted for bush it was a good move until march 03 but this is about warming check this out Portage Glacier Alaska in 1950 and then in 2002


Correction i meant Portage Glacier Alaska in 1914 and then in 2004


The trouble with sticking your head in the sand over huge problems like our dwindling power reserves, is eventually you'll choke, and when the problem comes it's to late.

Say what you like about Segal, but he clearly gives a damn about the world we live in, and more power to him for attempting to shine some light on a problem many people are either to arrogant/stupid/scared to face up to.


Say what you like about Segal, but he clearly gives a damn about the world we live in, and more power to him for attempting to shine some light on a problem many people are either to arrogant/stupid/scared to face up to.

Or just dont give a cra$ about anything other then making money.




this is a good example of the "dumbing down" of americans. i have never seen so many statements of abject stupidity and self-absorbption in my treading of the boards.
there are electro-magnetic-mechanical flywheels that will run potentially forever. see scientific american, circa 1997-98.
hey "forrest" fire starter, what's the opposite of an ice age, and why do ice ages occur. maybe you should at least take the time to examine photos comparing glaciers at different times during this century before you wave your flag of ignorance so high.
maybe you could tell us how many barrels of oil are consumed per day in the u.s.a.
highly efficient i.c. engines may be 25% efficient, but the average efficiency of the typical car is more about 11%, even that doesn't count sitting in traffic jams or stoplights. so, in the big picture, you could probably say that i.c. engines are 0% efficient and all the oil burned just goes into heat production. what a waste, if you're not an oil company. maybe you could tell us how much heat that represents and what happens to all of it?

i have 2 pleasant consolations:
1: i'll be dead before it really hits the fan
2: guess


Why we should use natural resources, the liberals ask? Because we have something to accomplish. Oh sure, nature without intelligence can lumber along for millions of years until it is destroyed by the expanding sun - but does that accomplish anything? No. Evolution has created intelligent life, which should continue the meaning of evolution: to expand life, make it more powerful. Perhaps even move away from earth one day. Eventually, unlock all the mystery of the universe so that life, for the first time, can control the laws of nature, instead of being controlled by them.

It's either that, or life can exist with no purpose until it is destroyed, as it will be. To me, that's the greater cruelty. To me, that is short-sighted.

As for global warming: funny, just twenty years ago the liberals were talking about global cooling. (Supposedly pollution would cover the earth like a blanket and block out the sun, causing cold and a new ice age.) In the span of five years or less they switched gears and started talking about global warming. Of course, they didn't apologize, because when the left dominates the media in every single Western nation, they never have to admit to being wrong.

As for Bush - I am conservative, the real kind, so I have no love for that liberal. At best he has made cosmetic changes, but all the most important liberal policies in the U.S. go on like before. Affirmative Discrimination - still there. The department of education with its propaganda mission - still there. Mass immigration - still there, he wants more of it. He is not a conservative, he wants power, and that's all. It was easier for him to get power through the Republican party, like daddy, so he chose that party.

The thought that he would invade countries in the Middle East to "protect our freedoms" is ridiculous. The U.S. is only attacked because it supports Israeli occupation of Palestine, and supports corrupt regimes in the Middle East, the regimes the Islamist movements are fighting against. Most Americans don't know this. And Bush won't tell them. But U.S. foreign policy is used this way in the Middle East - all for Israel, as commanded by the powerful Israeli lobby. Regimes that keep complaints over Israel's occupation down to a low grumble will have U.S. support, the rest won't. Iraq gave financial and diplomatic support to Palestinian resistance, so it had to be invaded. The plan is also to invade Iran and Syria for the exact same reason. The Israeli lobby wanted this in the mid-90s, stated is clearly, and it's all there for those who want to see. Just look up "neocons" online.

The left, obviously, is equally wrong about the invasion of Iraq. "War for oil"? Only ten percent of U.S. oil consumption is imported from the Gulf. And the nations of the Gulf are more than happy to sell it to the U.S., no need for an invasion.

Then again, leftists who can switch from "global cooling" to "global warming," and state with certainty that the most important metals would all disappear in the 70s and 80s, without ever admitting mistakes, can't be expected to get the important Iraq issue right either.


Geez, are you some kind of ignorant religious nut or something? Life doesn't have a point and you can't give it one. What you may do with your life may have a point relative to those around you but quite frankly within a couple of hundred years at best you'll be someone whose contribution will be infrequently talked about by a very few people and completely unknown by the majority.

Perhaps you should just take a deep breath and come to terms with your mortality and the futility of your life, because it doesn't matter how many millenia go by humans will never be able to control the laws of nature - you've been watching too much SciFi.

As for your analysis of the gulf war etc, it's completely bogus and misunderstands the GLOBAL nature of the oil market. That any one country doesn't import oil from another will have no effect upon global oil price and the fact of the matter is that since the gulf war oil prices have risen and oil companies are making a killing. Petrodollar cycle and Iranian Bourse anyone ;)

As for your misunderstanding of the state of global environmental modelling and the progress of science I can see that you are just a passenger and for all your talk of purpose you yourself will never actually do anything relevant to get humanity closer to that goal because you evidently don't understand the first thing about the nature of scientific investigation and the tools that they use.

The reality of metal reserves is that they aren't infinate, but as time goes on we discover better ways of using, refining, recycling and lets not forget that marginal reserves become more economical to tap as scarcity bites. Furthermore, in certain situations we invent alternatives - carbon fibres for instance, so that overall demand and usage for specific metals changes overtime.

So before you start shouting your mouth off about stuff you clearly have no idea about perhaps you should do some reading, unless you simply like people to laugh at your dumbass stupidity.

BOT: The speach at the end was a little cringe worthy, but its better that some people make soppy speaches than we all just stand by and doing nothing until its too late, and it really is getting late.


Can't we all just get along? I love oil and I love oil wells.


free energy is the way to go, zero point energy for example, they just love to keep you brainwashed into believing the monetary system is ok. think for a minute, its not ok. the fed is private, there's no law says you have to pay taxes. free energy can free us from the system that leaves too many rotting corpses, homelessness and famine.

now to really scare you, 911 was an inside job, i broke the stupid silence, only thing to do is make them pay! or else it wont get put behind any time soon.

"whatever made you think paper was so valuable"

too bad this msg ain't where it belongs, front page, times square, prime time...


Say what you will about Steven but the dude was ahead of his time when it came to the envir. movement. Just watched this last night and his speech was 1000% correct!


Hollywood movie style about the environment disease, I would say he maybe was a pioneer. But the enivorment movement started 1969 (in US actually), so it has been around quite some time.

Anyway, I think the movie was quite good to be a movie with Steven Seagal, decent movie with an eye-opener.

PS. Just dont forget that the movie industry does stands for a huge emission dump, so would be a good idea if they (film companies) could compensate much of the profit for a better enviroment, like research for cleaner energy or something, so the filming can be more enviromental friendly in future.


It was very touching and moving, I guess you could still speak out against corporations in 1994. Here we are more than a decade later and the global corporate consolidation of power is nearly complete, Darth Bush and the globalist clan are in power and they have liberals & libertarians on the run. This is the era of Big Brother Corporate run Government, all we can do now is look back and remember the way America used to be.

damn, you should write a star wars parody but in the here and now
