MovieChat Forums > On Deadly Ground (1994) Discussion > So do people not get arrested in Alaska

So do people not get arrested in Alaska

He killed a bunch of people who were exercising their right to protect their property and then blew up a bunch of stuff. How does he not belong in jail. I'm pretty sure that a defense of neccesity doesn't work here. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury they were using sub-standard machinery, so I killed them all and blew everything up." Wasn't the FBI even there when he went on his killing spree?


I'm not 100% clear on this, but in a movie, you're allowed to do whatever you want, as long as you directed and co-wrote it.

Seriously, I'd love to see some between-takes footage of Caine, McGinley, Ermey, and the rest just laughing at the megabomb that they knew they were making.


That's probably the BIGGEST PLOT HOLE in this film, the fact that he can MURDER tons of people (sure they were 'evil oil industry workers' etc. bah!). A lot of those folks, even the armed security personnel, were doing their jobs and he down right kills tons of them.

So there are no CONSEQUENCES for killing tons of people and blowing up a multi million dollar oil platform? What. You get a standing ovation from a bunch of idiotic media and smiling Native Americans? WTF????

That 'lack of a normal reaction by any government entity' to a mass killing was probably one of the strangest most ridiculous endings to a film in cinema history.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


You shouldn't attack a film for plot holes because you didn't pay attention.

Aegis Oil employees killed Hugh Palmer. They then set Forrest Taft up and attempted to kill him too. Then, at Hugh's home they returned once again attempting to kill him. After those failures, a group of Mercs are flown up from the South to kill Taft. They track him, attempt to kill him. And that is the point in which he turns on them and brings the fight to Aegis One.

So in all that, you mean to tell me that a decent, half-witted lawyer would not be able to believably argue that Taft's attack on Aegis, where all the people who were still alive and attempted to kill him were holed up, would be justifiable? He could easily argue that after 4 attempts on his life, and taking another workers' life, while the attackers were gathered planning another attack he made the first strike this time in self defense.

As for the ending, he could have been arrested, went to trail, and been acquitted or even served some time and released. They don't say either way, or what year it is, so looks like you just to a conclusion on that one.

I just saw the movie last week and I'm just thinking out loud as I type this. We can tell who payed attention and who did not...


A half witted lawyer is better than a half witter poster! Excuse me but the trackers trying to kill him is more difficult to prove in court than the obvious actions of a killing dozens of people or contributing to the deaths of people who are unarmed. Also he definitely vandalized and destroyed a multi million dollar facility (or did I mention kill tons of guys?) Also a decent lawyer for the other side would have proof that these guys are working as SECURITY for the plant. that's an easier sell than mercenary, and guess what? The court will buy it. You think he actually had a trial and served his time and still gave that corny speech at the end? Despite being set up as the hero, his actions alone would get him decades in prison.

You seem to confuse paying attention with leaping to ridiculous conclusions. I paid attention, but I also know what is absolutely ridiculous. And trying to explain away how this guy does not get into trouble is grasping for straws.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


He killed a bunch of mercenaries, and blew up private facility of a corrupt guy who tried to kill him several times. It would be easy to prove, plenty of witnesses, and the disk that he downloaded for substandard equipment. And also, it shouldn't be forgotten that he has special connections in CIA.


You obiviously missed the pep talk about him being in "arctic circle in bikinis and him being on your pools side next morning with million dollar grin and fistfull of pesos"... So do you think that after stunts like that and his prior connections to agencies there would be any change that "proper" athoriteis could even lay hand on the guy. That multibillion oil company was not working with your goverment it actually was working against it and such deserved what it got. Such incident would have swiped under the bureacratic rug and none would be wiser... Accidents do happen and people get killed... Also it would have been hard to explain why designated paramiltary mercenary group was operating in US soil regardless of reason.

and do you also think when you watch Superman movie that he should get sued over airspace violations ?


I suppose you know nothing about lawyers. Even the pep talk (which was ridiculous) would not excuse nor explain how he walks without even a hint of legal trouble. Now if he made that speech after being exonerated at a trial, it would be different, but the implication is that he was never charged at all, which defies belief and reasoning.

He directly caused the death of Liles (though indirectly he was still culpable) and Macgruder, and though despicable corporate tools, they certainly (a) were not hired killers.

Yes, it is feasible that an incident could be covered up, but the government would NOT do it for a maverick who is 'off the reservation" (not literally but a slang term) who is also acting solo and not under any official orders. Again, he would not have the strings to pull to make that happen. It is a ridiculous theory.

I'm sorry but it is absolutely ridiculous to even argue that this idiotic plot hole is somehow plausible. It's about as plausible as fairy dust coated unicorns coming into sweep Steven Seagal to the land of the Hobbitts. Seagal's movies are completely unrealistic, but this section takes the prize, to the point where a dyed in the wool action fan like myself was going "Come on! WTF?"

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Yeah, I thought that too. Forrest Taft essentially going rogue and waging a mini-war on a major US company would likely not endear him to his CIA colleagues. The majority of people he murdered were thugs and mercenaries out to kill him, not really regular security officers, but they still had friends and families. And I suspect Caine's oil baron character would've had many more powerful friends in Washington than ex-black ops mook Forrest did.



Just tell yourself he was arrested immediatly after the speech or he was apprehended before but they let him do the speech because they understand his motives yet still legally have to arrest him and put him on trial. Just tell yourself the movie doesn't show everything.
