Ok, this is not a piece of art, but 3.5?
C´mon it is a good action film! I would say 5.5 or 6, but not 3.5.
Ok, this is not a piece of art, but 3.5?
C´mon it is a good action film! I would say 5.5 or 6, but not 3.5.
I agree, People seem to be real pissants when it comes to seagal movies.
....back of the net.
Action movies shouldnt try to say anything at all. It was just too preachy and slow moving. Very repititve of other seagal films.
“A lost city. A man of destiny. A test of honor"
What I like about "On Deadly Ground", is that its not a typical by-the-numbers action film. This one has breathtaking Alaskan atmosphere w/a controversial subplot/message that inspires you to think: "What if". If you are a democrat or independant who hates greedy oil companies who put profits over citizen concerns then this is top-drawer entertainment. If however, you are a republican then you'll probably want to burn this movie after you watch it.
Master card player? Resort casino owner?? or SS car enthusiast??? Make your best guess!
I think you're missing something here. The facility that the Michael Caine character is building will be lost if it is not running by a certain date/deadline. The facility costs several billion dollars to build and put into operation. Where did this money come from? Probably most of it would have to come from selling shares of stock in his company. So when the facility was destroyed, a lot of stockholders went down with him.
Since the facility never came on line, there are no oil company profits in this movie. If you are a Democrat who hates capitalism and equates working for a living with greed, you probably didn't notice that. If you are a Republican, you probably didn't watch the last fifteen minutes.
No, I think this movie is just as bad as people say it is, but it is so entertaining. It's so big and expensive and in your face, and it doesn't seem to care how ridiculous everything is.
It's got it all: no-talent actors given free reign, respected actors acting like comic book characters, horrible humor, and 'splosions galore.
I take pride in owning a copy of this film, it's a joy.
Yeah I thought this wasn't too bad better than a lot of his other films and it's funny to see well respected actors in this ie. Michael Caine.
shareOk, this is not a piece of art, but 3.5?
I actually liked this movie a lot. It's not perfect, but I don't understand where BAD comes from? Some scenes didn't work well, such as the Indian scenes and the whole bar fight wasn't terribly good, plus the "evil oil corporation hitman squads" seemed very implausible, but aside those annoyances "On Deadly Ground" was technically Seagal's best film. There was some real talent behind this film, Seagal did his role just fine and went for the Oscar with his mid-movie rant on the evils of the world (kidding, but his passion is clear), and the special effects were impressive even with the use of miniatures they still look good. Perhaps it wasn't full fledged action like his last couple outings, but Seagal really tried to make a movie that promoted a message he really believed in, and with the macho man crowd that loves action movies, the minute you mention a "pansy" idea such as preserving the enviroment people instantly shut down.
Most of the reviews I've read that rip this film cite it's failures as "Enviromental Image". I don't see how a new plot point exploring uncharted territory in the action genre should be a fault?
I thought this movie was really good action movie, better then what a lot of critics say. Didn't like this movie the first time i saw it but i really enjoyed it the second, despite that it has atrocious acting and kind of preachy this movie had good action and beautiful scenery. Way better then the awful on Deadly ground and the unbearable vanity film Hard to kill, anyways it's a good action movie a beautiful bad film.
shareI rather watch this any given day rather than watching War of the Worlds (2005) or Max Payne (2008)
shareFunny you say that because I rented 'On Deadly Ground' in 5th grade when it was new and I hated it. Thought it was terrible. But now, as a grown adult, I've revisited it a few times and I find it very enjoyable.
The old saying, when I was young I didn't get it. Now I'm old and I get. What I get I don't know, but I get it.
Of Seagal's first 7 movies this one is his worst, I hated it when it came out but it's grown on me. Still I think it's not very good compared to his other earlier works. It's just so so