MovieChat Forums > On Deadly Ground (1994) Discussion > Last Seagal Movie I'll ever watch

Last Seagal Movie I'll ever watch

Don'tcha hate it when hollywood personalities start using their success in film as a platform for making crappy eco-propaganda flicks. One of the worste lines i've ever heard in a movie, "We're oil workers!" as a bad guy battle cry. You wanna hate oil companies, Steve, go ahead. But don't alienate the blue collar fan base you established in the mid eighties.

I'd rather have a gun and not need one that need a gun and not have one.


I totally agree, despite the fact that i'm a true Seagal fan. That final speech he gives in this movie, it's just plain wrong. Just when you thought the movie couldn't get any worse (the whole movie lacks of good and convincing screenplay and doesn't really satisfy the actionhunger), Seagal ends the movie with some bad remarks about oilcompanies. Jesus Christ.

Anyhow, you can also see it as the cherry on the icecream, these final words. Because just as you thought this movie couldn't get any worse.....Never say never!


The acting may be bad and the guy may be an a55hole, but why do you stick up for oil companies? The black gold scum would crawl all over you if you got in the way. At least Seagal is on the right side.


I defantly agree, the oil companies put down others just to get their grubby hands on more and more money.


You wanna hate oil companies, Steve, go ahead. But don't alienate the blue collar fan base you established in the mid eighties.

What in the hell are you talking about? Alienating his blue collar fanbase? Jesus christ, that has got to be just about the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. If you can't handle an opinion, why don't you go jump off a bridge right now and save yourself the agony. I'm not even a fan of Seagal or this movie, but your post is the biggest load of crap I've come across in a long time. So now Seagal has to check up with his "blue collar fanbase" before making a movie? Do you have to make sure that any given movie that you see checks up with your opinions before seeing it? The fact that a movie that denounces obvious corporate corruption and the raping of the environment for the almighty dollar is being accused of "alienating the blue collar fanbase" is truly disturbing. And no, this isn't even a good movie. In fact, it's crap. But it's message is a good one. The fact that you are angered by a good natured and harmless opinion is proof that your pathetic outlook is misguided and ultimately wrong.

I totally agree, despite the fact that i'm a true Seagal fan. That final speech he gives in this movie, it's just plain wrong. Just when you thought the movie couldn't get any worse (the whole movie lacks of good and convincing screenplay and doesn't really satisfy the actionhunger), Seagal ends the movie with some bad remarks about oilcompanies. Jesus Christ.

Now this is the second most pathetic thing I've ever seen (at least on this board). Why exactly are you so fond of oil companies? What's the problem with an opinion? And more importantly, what is so GOOD about oil companies that you were so offended by the ending? Please fill me in.


Look on the bright side; he probably did worse damage to the eco-movement than ever thought possible. Exxon probably would have been happy to bankroll the film had they been sent a script in advance LOL



Okay, I don't want to get into the argument of how Seagal's character was also wrong to resort to violence. What I'll say is that while Seagal may be right about oil companies, that doesn't mean he doesn't show himself to be a self-deluded egotist. Really, from lack of challenge the villains pose to him to how
uber-heroic he makes himself look in that speech at the end, Seagal truly exposes himself to be a shameless egomaniac with an appallingly one-dimensional viewpoint on what is good and what is evil. Plus, his conspiracy theories are just so out there. He actually suggests that non-polluting cars exist but are being suppressed by oil companies due to the money the non-polluting cars would cost them. I really doubt the oil copanies are that powerful.


Indeed they are! Don't you remember this affair: A french guy invented a water powered engine, he even built a car prototype that worked great. Many people witnessed it and it made newspaper headlines at the time. Then someone (probably from oil companies group) came and bought the patent of it from its creator. Then we never heard of the water-engine again. A few years back, a television team tried to interview the inventor. They found his wife telling them to forget about it.


Yes,I heard about that! Here in the UK various companies have been trying to sell petrol made from vegetable oil which is friendlier to the environment,but guess what,the oil companies nor the government liked it very much! The oil companies because they would lose trade and the government because they would lose revenue from tax on petrol! Oil companies are bad,governments are worse for not standing up to them!



Same old story with the left. The climate is changing: blame the oil companies. There is poverty in Africa, central Asia, and the south Pacific: blame greedy oil firms. The Allies go into Iraq: oil companies influencing the President.

Did anybody ever think about how difficult it is to extract, refine, secure, transport, and re-use oil? About the enormous costs and infrastructure required to make the world run? How are you going to go on your holiday with oil? Or run your car, or the train, or the bus? How will you heat your home without corporations large enough to bear the costs of bringing this crucial resource to you?

This week my oil powered central heating has broken down, the house is freezing, and I think thank goodness i don't have to live like this all the time. When you get a power cut - think about the things you cannot use that are powered by fossil fuel burning.

OK imagine you are a CEO of an oil firm. You are told that you can build a pipeline extension to increase productivity and decrease reliance on other lines. This will require a building project that may or may not have an impact on the local environment and populations. If you turn this down, the shareholders are gonna want to know why this important decision has been turned down. Then they'll throw you out as an incompetant and replace you with somebody else prepared to do it. Do you expect people to risk their careers and livelihoods on a matter of principles.

On the eskimos: they are a stone age people trying to live in the 21st century, instead of being politically correct and applauding them we should recognise what a load of fossils they are and tell them to get proper jobs.

And if Seagal really cares about the environment, how come he drives a 4x4 and destroyed the oil rig, thereby creating more damage than it would have done on its own in ten years?

Get real you guys, oilmen are people too. It's a free country, nobody turns down a good business opportunity.




finally, someone quotes the actual movie.

and the best part of the movie too.

"my nuts!

"My balls!!!!!"


what a cock you are.

you're no person, you're just a big heartless cock.


you may have big balls, but what does it take to change the essence of a man?

sweet moses how a film this awful could inspire a debate (ignorant narrow-minded debate, but a debate all the same) is a mystery to me.


Who cares what your ass thinks? If you don't like Steven then shove it. You can surely (as always) state your worthless thoughts but let me remind you that bad idiotic posts like yours are nothing but bad flatulence in the air. And for your information, Steven wasn't active in the "mid eighties". His career took off in 88' and became huge in the early 90's.



It's your loss, not Steven's.


I agree as soon as they get some kind of status they start to make terrible movies. Oh well I'm sure he's felt it a bit in the pocket book.


Steven Seagal did nothing wrong!
