MovieChat Forums > On Deadly Ground (1994) Discussion > Bottom 100!!!!???? what the!!!

Bottom 100!!!!???? what the!!!

Come on people of imdb, i always thought that this top 250 and bottom 100 were totally useless and user of imdb doesn´t have much critic spirit (not all of them but most) a good proof of what i`m saying is that most votes in movies are 10 ot 1 , but this is beyond that. This movie is very good for many reasons, it has seagal and caine, both of them great , it has a very important message for us all specially in times that pollution is such a worring matter. And please if you don´t like the movie at least get serious with his final speech and the beautiful landscapes as well.


I did not expect that film to be in the bottom 100 also, but I don't think that this film save a pinguin or stop ice melting at the poles in any way.


the speech is the top reason why this film deserves to be in the bottom 100. i thought if there was a real message there it was cheapened by seagal's delivery.
r lee ermey was great though, but he couldn't save the movie. here are a few more reasons why this movie should be in bottom 100

1) seagal broke sean connery's wrist

2) seagal

3) seagal grabbing "packages" in the bar

4) he goes for the old woman not the hot naked woman in the vision quest

5) he blows up the oil rig in the end (enviro-friendly?)

6) "what is the essence of man" stolen from perfume ad

7) "for 250,000(?) dollars i'd f*** anything once" line

8) 2nd smartest character named forrest

9) taft was our fattest president, forrest taft is our fattest action star

10) micheal caine..........jet black spray on hair helmet

11) seeing micheal caine waste his talent on this movie



Well, on the surface it seems to be a fairly average big-studio action film when just watching it a minute at a time (decent color, camerawork, sets, Michael Caine) but upon viewing, er, suffering through the entire duration, one notices a very large amount of ridiculousness:

Hard to believe plot points, dialogue, general ridiculousness:

If a massively wealthy oil company has 20 years in which to build and begin operating an oil rig or else they forfeit the land rights, why would they wait until the last possible moment in which to complete it and begin operation?

And if the company builds such a rig, would they be so knowingly careless as to give it shoddy parts so that it will probably explode, just for sake of keeping the land rights? What, no land for sale elsewhere in Alaska? Let's pump hundreds of millions into a future P.R. disaster and money pit?

Would a group of Eskimos living in the most primitive conditions (living in huts and no appliances) just happen to keep a high-powered snowmobile around in case of emergency (e.g. approaching oil company hit squads)

And, unless your a devoted Communist, do you really think it is common practice, as inferred in some dialogue, that major corporations employ "hit squads" and dozens of heavily armed soldiers?

Would such expert "hit-squads" search a house for a computer disk and totally ransack the place, with the exception of the closet in the room with the computer?

As in keeping with bad action movie scene law, R.Lee Ermey's character has the drop on Seagal's UNARMED character from dozens of feet away, with orders to KILL HIM ON SIGHT. Instead of blowing him away immediately and ending our pain, he gives a bad guy speech and walks up to Seagal close enough for Seagal to grab the gun away!!!

Is it really heroic to MURDER 30+ people whose only evident "crime" from viewing the film is that they have held guns and work for an oil company?

Is it believable that after he kicks a redneck/racist/jerkoff's ass in an extended ass-kicking through a crowded bar, that "Our Hero" somehow changes the beating-victim's complete outlook on race-relations and sense of fairness, much less his view of "Our Hero's" character?

Dialogue: In the final speech, is it really true that no company can be fined over 25,000 dollars a day? That would tend to nullify many court decisions handed down over the years (e.g. Microsoft)

Are we to believe that Seagal, in some throwaway dialogue given shortly before he sets the oil rig to explode, was able to fiddle with the controls so that the MASSIVE OIL RIG EXPLOSION will result in no ecological damage (Not to mention his earlier release of thousands of gallons of sulfuric acid in an earlier scene; what, the acid will magically transport itself to planet Neptune or something?)??

Yes, I know Michael Caine is in the film, and I will be the first to agree that he is a hugely talented actor. This has nothing to do with his selection of scripts, however, for which he seems to have an "I'll take the first one in my mailbox" philosophy. Bear in mind, this actor also took part in "Jaws: The Revenge"; I suppose he's like those people that seek to become friends with ugly people, in order to make themselves look handsomer/prettier by comparison. Or the guy just loves working in films and doesn't do it for glory, etc., just happy to be working.


Actually Caine has admitted why he's been in so many bad movies...... the money. One can't blame the man.


You would be surprised how many times the CIA has been invovlved in corperate intersts around the world - how many people big business has killed and are willing to kill for the almighty dollor - why do you think we are in Iraq right now? To liberate the Iraqi people, please don't be so niave...



it's full of zeitgeist.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


Being that I live in the town where this movie was made and my father, along with half of the town, is employed by an oil company, I can tell you that this movie completely sucks and is completely untrue. Seagal is "one with the natives" in the movie, and yet he puts the "eskimo village" on a glacier, which everyone knows is retarded. There is NO racial tension between natives and non-natives, pretty much anywhere in Alaska, but according to the bar-fight scene, natives are discriminated against all the time and are weak and helpless without Seagal to fight for them. Besides, half of those "eskimos" were played by Asians.

If you are worried about big oil companies, pollution, and the environment, read the news.... there are no big protests and no oil conspiracies. If you are educated enough to know about the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill... those "beautiful landscapes" were filmed in Valdez, where the oil spill toook place.

On a personal note, Seagal's daughter was in my little brother's class while the movie was being made, Seagal came to visit his daughter, but he was kicked out of the school for smelling like a big piece of crap, just like this movie.
I am embarassed that this movie was filmed in my town.


I must say i'm shocked that this movie is on the "Top 100 Worst Movies" List. I have to say that it is probably my favorite seagal movie (aside from Under Siege). I'm truly surprised that people have such a low opinion of this movie.

Live Long & Prosper


I have to agree with lastwordfreak. This was just a terrible movie. Yeah, it had Michael Caine. So what? Good actors are in terrible movies all the time. Doesn't help any. (And btw, there are a bunch of quality actors in this movie. Check the cast. R. Lee Ermey, John C. McGinley, Billy Bob Thornton...none of them help. Can't really blame them - not much to work with in this waste-of-paper script.)

And yes, the environment message is important, but it is so heavy-handed, and so preachy, that it just loses all meaning. Was this an action movie or a 4th-grade film strip?

I guess Seagal thought his average fan wouldn't be able to handle subtlety. Or maybe it's Seagal who has no concept of subtlety.

In short, this movie easily deserves bottom 100 status.


Hey! This movie shouldn't be in the bottom 100! It's so bad its no longer bad....watching Seagal getting all preachy and enviro-friendly is comedy. Not enough fighting though....

Seagal is hard.


It isn't in the Bottom 100 anymore.


Or maybe it's Seagal who has no concept of subtlety.

More like it!

Four minutes ahead of schedule. Damn, I'm good...


I really think this movie would have been better if they had let John C. McGinley actually fight Seagal, then I think this movie might have been better. As it is right now, it's pretty bad.



Hmmm, Yes, that would have been interesting. I agree.


I like this movie a lot more now, I hated it when it came out. So I can see why it would be in the bottom 100.


This was on the bottom 100?
