Wedding Ring

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. At the end, when Sully and Peter are in the bar, Peter lifts his beer and says, 'to the good life'. Sully says, 'this is the good life?". In those scenes, Paul Newman has a wedding ring on.



OH, I'm sure that is it. But it is a very foolish mistake.




I agree. but then I understand miscreants who have limited ability to follow and appreciate a story and concentrate on alleged continuity errors. They could never create so instead they attempt to destroy.

It's rather sad, really.


It's called 'nitpicking'. This is my favorite Newman movie, because he's almost perfect in it. He's getting old, but he still has the most beautiful headbones I've ever seen.


What are you talking about?!??! We were talking about mistakes and I just added one. Can't create, so attempt to destroy? What a RIDICULOUS sstatement! This is my favorite movie of all time. I've seen it many times. Every year from Thanksgiving to New Years, I watch it several times. I was just innocently commenting on an error. Enough said!


he probably had it on not visably the entire time don't forget at the time of it's release he'd been happily married for nearly 37 so the wedding ring thing isn't that big a snafu
"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


