Let's see.
Beryl (Jessica Tandy) has died (as she did in real life shortly after the filming of "NF"). Since Clive Jr. has taken off, she leaves the house (and a substantial amount of money) to Sully, where he now lives.
Sully now of course is in his mid-70s, and has retired off the money he got selling the Bowdowin Street property for salvage. Sully still spends most of his time at the Iron Horse Tavern where he is now the co-owner with Peter.
Carl and Toby stayed married, although it was rocky, and now their kid is a teenager.
Rub is now about 50.
Peter is 45, has been divorced from his wife for 10 years. He lives in Bath and co-owns the Iron Horse with Sully. Will is now 23, just graduating from college where he studied to be an English teacher (much to the chagrin of his parents).
Wacker is a no-account beer-drinking slacker working various construction jobs, and shows every sign of growing up to be just like Sully.