
What was wrong with the Sheriff's wife?


i think she had depression. I could be wrong, but thats what it seemed like to me.


I thought for a while she might've been Mae since they kind of looked alike and acted similar.

I knowww, they showed Mae's skeleton, but it COULD'VE been someone else's...


I don't know why but for some reason I felt as if Mary had lost a child or had been unable to conceive or something like that, which led to her depression. I think she was just able to relate to Nell's childlike innocence, very easily becase she was empathic.

I am drowning
There is no sign of land
You are coming down with me
Hand in unlovable hand


<<I thought for a while she might've been Mae since they kind of looked alike and acted similar.>>

My sister has this theory that Nell and Mary ARE half-sisters, although they don't know it, of course. It's possible that Mary's father was such a miserable excuse for a human being that he made her childhood a living hell, and that's why she's so prone to serious depression. This also could be the kind of man who might rape a woman (Violet) on her way home from church. Perhaps he preyed only on the helpless and those who would never report him, and never got caught.

I like to think that there's a very special bond between those two and that's why they were so stongly drawn to each other. I think they do look like sisters. Mostly "fanfic" I guess, but there's nothing in the film to disprove it either.


Well, like the doctor said, 'nothing and everything', I'm with another commentor that she may have miscarried, maybe several times. That can really get you.
