Sherrif's wife

Doesn't she look a lot like Nell? The two seem to have a bond rght from first meeting. Both are psychologically distraught, but is there more (like kinship)?


Yes! Never thought of that. It is possible she was a distant relative of Violet's.


i know! for a while i wondered if it might be the lost twin, and nell just imagined her dying...? but, i don't know, too bad it wasn't further developed.

"Frankly my dear,......"


Not only did I think of that, but I also noticed that since Nell pronounced Jerry's name as "Jay" she likely would have pronounced Mary (the sherriff's wife's name) as "May" (her sister's supposed name)
It's probably more likely that she's a distant relative, since they did show May's skeleton, but I'm not changing my opinion. :)

"Nobody move! I dropped my brain!"-Jack Sparrow


Someone on this board suggested she might be another daughter of the same man who raped Violet. I'm open to that idea, too. Her mother might have told her what happened, and maybe her mother never married too. That could be one of the "nothing and everything" things in Mary's life that is making her feel rotten. (although I still think she'd had a miscarriage (or maybe more than one) and maybe had some other things happen as well).

I'm all right, I'm alllll right!
