I wasn't sure what to make of the prison break scene. Are we meant to take it seriously or is it all tongue in cheek? The guards were made out to seem overly incompetent, with expressions on most of their faces resembling a frightened 10 year old. I seriously can't believe that about 15 well armed guards (right at the end) can't even hold back a large crowd of prisoners. Also where the hell was the SWAT team during all of this?? They should have been there in about 10 minutes, but it seemed that an hour went by and nobody showed up.
I guess so. They had to make it so Mickey and Mallory could escape and the Warden got his "comeuppance"
In reality, SWAT would have been there immediately and, if need be, open fire with automatic weapons. Also, after seeing their fellow inmates getting their brains blown out, most inmates would have surrendered in fear of their lives....no matter how much Mickey's little speech (which mostly was gibberish) worked them up.
Mother is the name for God on the lips & hearts of all children -Eric D. Raven
Actually, SWAT might have taken a while to get there and set up. They're not just going to storm the place without having a good idea of what's going on inside.
That said, the guards themselves should have had proper riot gear to use in such a situation - shields, helmets, rifles, tear gas, and body armor.
To have no armor and just shotguns, against hordes of inmates, is just stupidity. Shotguns are not much use at long distance and have poor reloading times (I learned this from first person shooters).
in real life the moment they made it out of the building or prison i mean a sniper would have blown there heads off lol thats the problem with this film it wants to have it both ways it wants you to care about the characters an the victims but at the same time it wants to be a cartoon there are so many things in the film that could never work in reality like the prison break an i can see why that would make some people hate the film but i find it good not great its not one of olviers best films but its not one of his worsts its a middle ground film this film really would have been better as a tarentino film
that works for an against this film honestly it has tone problems its not great but it is good this would have been better as a tarantino film it trys to make you care about whats happening as well as be a live action cartoon it dosent mesh great this isnt a horrible movie its good but it barley makes it to that level
The scene with the warden and his trapped guards trying to stop the horde of oncoming prisoners, well if I was a guard in a situation like that, I would turn the gun on myself.
I'm lucks last match struck in the pouring down wind, pouring down wind.