What about Susan?

When Dory and Bryan get married, who is with Susan? The cards they got said to meet the other at the church after midnight Mass, so it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 1:00 am? I doubt she could have found a babysitter on Christmas Eve, much less in the middle of the night. I'm sure she didn't leave her 6 year old home alone. Any thoughts? Just curious


omg yea I thought the same thing last night when I watched it. When Bryan and Dory went out on that date Dory was all worried about Susan getting a good babysitter but when she went to mass it looks like she left her at home...or called a babysitter at like 1.


Strangely enough, I noticed that too! I think that she just snuck out after Susan went to bed, although that does seem irresponsible and uncharacterisic.


i wonder the same thing every time i watch this.

Holy smokes 99 channels and nothing's on!
spencer breslin in the kid


I've wondered this, too. Maybe she asked a neighbor - ?


I think she snuck out when Susan was sleeping too because the next morning Susan is surprised she's there. And with the ring. I dont know, its hard to explain.


She also appears to leave her alone in the apartment on the day of the parade, as she comes home calling out for Susan, but Susan has left her a video telling her she is in Bryan's apartment.


I would have assumed nobody, in less she did get a very last minute babysitter. But in the couple of times that I have watched the movie, so how I must never thought about this, but still it is a very good question. And you think that she would not be a very good parent. But she did leave her alone at the very opening of the movie, where she was at the parade (as mentioned) and she was left home alone. Good thing for Bryant was home to be with her, and watch the parade from the windows. And at that time in the morning she should be sleeping, and heck it not like she is a normal kid around her age anyways, remember that she was told the truth along time ago so she didn't believe in Santa Claus. And remember the wedding was much as a surpise to both of them, so it was not like they had much choice anyways.


It's the same thing at he beginning of the 1973 TV version, come to think of it. The mother comes home, and Susan has left her a note saying that she's at the new neighbors apartment watching the parade, and that she met him on the elevator! WTF?!



She could have had Susan in the car asleep. Lots of kids that age fall asleep and are taken to the car and barely wake or even if they stir, fall back asleep.

We Are The Corps!! "Left the GL boards after two years when the trolls showed up."


Well possible the guy she works with could have babysat.

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Maybe Kris watched her whilst he was delivering his presents.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"
