monkey king

I'm told that the actor playing the Monkey King is an actual orangutan named Lowell who has been in other films.



Dont know, sounds cool anyway.


There's an orangutan in "Dunstan Checks In" that sorta looks like "Lowell". But I dunno. They all look the same to me. haha



I wouldnt be surprised if he WAS the same orang utan as in "dunstan checks in" since they both films were made in roughly same years... and I doubt they have a huge supply of different orangutans to use... but if only it had been an ADULT MALE orang utan, now THAT would be scary, lol



I don't get why it was an orangutan. Bit of a shortage of them in India and the original stories.

One thing I can't stand is intolerance.


lol i agree with the previous... i don't know why they chose an animal that's from far away... but an orangutan would look more imposing and king-like than one of those normal monkeys.


Even though orangutans are not found in India,I can kind of let him slide . Maybe he was a former pet that was released into the jungle. The fact that he is so much bigger than any other simian they have seen could account for the monkeys making him their king, and his former experience with civilization could account for him wanting to be a human
