I think she's messed up over what happened to her. Marek isn't a pedophile at all. In her mind the killer wasn't her main focus, but rather the dog puppet was, and when it's all over she's confused about who it was she was actually having picnics with. She's been very isolated, and the isolation got worse after she sees Marek and her Mother having sex. She even says to the teddy bear, "we're all alone now" just after seeing them together. So she feels even more isolated and alone now and that makes her want to follow the killer, and the dog puppet, even more. The comment in the end about marrying Marek is also part of the confusion about who she was having picnics with. She's probably blocked out the killer completely, having mostly communicated with the dog puppet, and probably assumes it was Marek all along and that she has a special "secret" relationship with him.
OR maybe that comment was from the jealousy of seeing her Mother and Marek together romantically, and feeling like she was losing her Mother and that she'd be all alone. I'm not 100% sure about that.
She also says that her Mother changed her mind about going to the city with Marek because "it'd be good for Anna". That seems to imply that she'll get the help she needs to adjust. But in her mind she's fine and doesn't need the change, which is why she says "they might have asked me, I'm not a little girl anymore", which is actually a pretty common thing for a kid that age to say anyway.
A Dog's Life for Me