
I read the comment on here saying this film is similar to Brazil. I'd go one further and say it's more in line with something Tim Burton would do.


No. Just no.


Yes just yes


It's much closer to the style of Brazil than it is to anything that Burton has done. I can see where you're coming from, but the unimaginative 'Burton-comparison' seems to be dragged out for every single film with whimsy and snow. It bores me; especially when watching this back to back with Brazil shows it to be the far more apt comparison. The respective mail rooms in particular could be shots from the same film, and Tim Burton doesn't/can't do satire. That would require subtlety.


I know what you mean.


I really don't see it, other than the idea of placing the film within a made-up artifice of the world.

Other than that, there's little similar. The way the Coens develop ideas, characters, and narrative structure is very different than Burton's films. Burton never made anything as complex as this.

"Sometimes you have to take the bull by the tail, and face the truth" - G. Marx



The Terry Gilliam 'Brazil' comparison is fair enough, but this film is little like a Burton film. Burton doesn't, as another poster pointed out, really make subtle satires, nor does he use the same overall themes that this movie contains.

The look of this film is also far more realistic than the world of Tim Burton, inspite of the weird elements.



I wouldn't compare it to Burton. I can understand why you may think so because of the camera angles and sense of surrealism, but those are both part of Brazil and Gilliam's work as well and they're more comparable to the Coen's own sense of each in Hudsucker.



My thoughts exactly. Although it is similar to Brazil in many way, it actually reminded me more of the first Batman movie. Some of the scenes and shots are almost identical as well as the very subtle satire beneath the surface.


If it's of any consequence, I did think about Brazil while watching this. Burton, on the other hand, never came to mind.
