What decade is this supposed to be set in?
I mean, everything looks very old-fashioned, even the american president. So it looks like this movie is supposed to be happening in a certain, very specific era in history.
However, the psychiatrists mention "electro-convulsive therapy" instead of "electro-shock therapy", and that immediately destroys any credibility of this being set somewhere far in the past (except maybe 1994, that is already twenty years ago, so it's pretty far in the past).
It's odd to see this kind of detail put to convince the audience about something, and then the movie itself destroying its own credibility.
Btw, I was watching another Steve Buscemi movie (didn't even know he was going to be in this one), "Mystery Train", where his character works as a barber, and it amazed me to see that he is actually using the scissors exactly correctly, as if he was tutored by an actual barber (you can't just hand someone barber scissors and expect them to be able to use them correctly without at least some explanation) or something. This kind of detail impresses me, especially because LCD (the group that will not get what this acronym stands for besides 'liquid crystal display') would never notice/figure out/realize it.
It's a bit like 'Back to the Future', and the newspaper car-joke that's onscreen a fraction of a second - but it's done with detail and looks authentic nevertheless.
Anyways, I was correct in my assessment in another thread - this movie is certainly not about a structure/device/group created to suck HUDs from Hornets (or any other jet airplanes).