MovieChat Forums > The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) Discussion > So JJL is annoying, but the rest of the ...

So JJL is annoying, but the rest of the cast is okay???

I just find it odd that there is so much JJL hate when not only is it clear that this is intentional over-the-top, but EVERYONE in this movie behaves this way.

I am a huge his girl friday fan so I could appreciate this performance, but I find it odd that she is the only one called out.


I thought she was great in this. Her performance was full of high energy and she was just fun to watch.


^^^^ This

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


She's incresible. The scene of her typing at the newspaper office is one of my favorites.

Any actor will tell you how incredibly difficult it is to do what she did.


I just loved her in this movie. She was so funny and I think this performance was so difficult to pull off.

One of my favourite comedic performance by a female . Simply awesome. Also she was so cute in this

