The OP is dead on. The people posting on here should be ashamed.
People with privilege just can't stand to be presented with the truth. And the truth is that the reason you're on top is not because you're smarter or more hard working than everyone else. You're on top because your circumstances made things easier for you. And I'm saying this as a middle-class white person. No rich businessman ever has to work and worry as much or work as hard as Ms. Agee trying to provide for her entire family on welfare. I'm sure it would be much less work for her to actually have a job, so I do believe her that she didn't have much choice--especially considering that she was in school, too.
Also, regarding the "racial slur" used in this subject title: GET OVER IT. Stop acting so offended that you get one innocuous term like "white bread" thrown at you. Non-whites face much more malicious, insidious racism every day. Racism consists of so much more than racial slurs. It's also embedded in the realities people live every day, and in ignorant attitudes towards poor people and non-whites (see the post above mine for examples).
The reason racial slurs against black people are worse than us hearing a "white bread" once in a while is because white people haven't been oppressed throughout history. African Americans have been enslaved, outlawed, and ridiculed throughout American history. Racial slurs against black people are not just words--they're reminders that the historical legacy of hatred against them continues.
"White bread" is not connected to a history of oppression, death, poverty, and hatred. It's just a couple words. Treat it as such.