
I think it would be really good to have another Heavyweights movie. It could be a sequel or a remake. I would love to see at least Ben Stiller and Kenan Thompson come back from the first one. Kenan could be a coulselor this time with Ben Stiller trying to rebuy Camp Hope. I also would like to see Jorge Garcia, Eric Stonestreet, or some other heavy-set actor in a role. Who else do you think would make a good heavyweights character.



Haha, I love this movie. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. My friends all got into it, after I showed it to them. I think this movie would do great in the box office but it would ruin the greatness of this movie if it was remade

Yo, homie. Is that my briefcase?-Vincent


i figure that Dodgeball is a loose sequel/tie in to Heavyweights because Ben Still pretty much plays the exact same character. still though, it'd be funny to see a true sequel to Heavyweights with Ben Stiller back as Uncle Tony.


I'd buy it. Would crap compared to this, though. This movie has quotes that my friends and I still say all the time..."Mmmmm, can you smell it?"...."Tony's gonna do a little demo." "Don't be frightened Lucas. I'm a beaten man." "Cody wants to have fun."
