Filming locations

Yeah, not a whole lot of people will care, but this was filmed where i live, and in fact, a lot of my friends are in the movie. i went to east henderson high, which is the school at the beginning, and i've been to both camps used in the movie. also, interestingly enough, the bus driver at the very beginning of the movie was my bus driver. he doesn't get a credit or anything, and you don't really see him, but everyone at my school knew him as the bus driver in heavyweights.

also, apparently one of my friend's dad helped Ben Stiller with physical training. i don't know that for a fact, but me and a bunch of the kids in the movie sat around and watched it and talked about stuff. Good times. :P


Where was the movie filmed? What Lake? What City? What Camp? What State? Where is East Henderson High?


"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading". -Henny Youngmam


I was an extra in this movie, as was most of my family (mother, aunt, grandparents, sister and brother). It was filmed in Hendersonville NC.. My sister and I drove up there from Florida to visit my family who live up there. And they had been filming since the beginning. They worked it out so that my sister and I could get in there for the last week. We had a great time with the cast & crew.

Actually, I just got back from another trip to Hendersonville, and I always crack up as we drive past all the fast food restaurants that are featured at the beginning, while they're on the bus (subliminal joke) ;-)
I have some pictures up on my myspace page, but here's one I think everyone will enjoy-- us with Lars. ;-)

I'm thrilled to see so many people love this movie and that its becoming a 'cult classic'.


That's the website for East. I also went there and was an extra in the movie, although took most of the extras from the middle schol, Flat Rock. I was in 6th grade at the time, but it didn't come out til I got to East, it was my 10th grade year. Or maybe it was 9th.

Karen, if you see Jesus, tell him to take the gerbil babies! They're Christians!


I worked at Camp Tekoa for 4 summers, which is nearby. We always got told that they wanted to film some scenes at our camp but we didn't let them. This was filmed at Camp Pinnacle right? What other camp was it filmed at, Blue Star? Where are they at the scene on the hike? Dupont State Forest? Pisgah? Were they on four season blvd in that scene on the bus going past all the fast food?


Do you happen to know where the house was at the beginning of the movie?
