swearing in the movie.

I love this movie and watch it every now and then and I remember hearing it almost got a PG-13 rating because they used the word sh*t. I don't recall hearing that word in the movie. When was it used?


I don't know but i really would like to find out too


they cut it out...in the go kart scene as the kid get passed you hear him say awww shoot but you see his lips go aww *beep* the semoor butts scene is clearly dubbed...i always wondered what was said in that scene


Me too. I can't imagine what could be so awful.


also at the beginning when he says "im not going to camp with a bunch of fat loads" it looks like "loads" was dubbed over from the word "asses." ive actually always noticed all of the dubbing and it annoys me. its still an awesome movie!


Who's Peter Fitz? Anybody's peter fits if you push it in hard enough, Uncle Tony!




Whoa whoa whoa. Bender, that's crazy! Did you make that up or was it gonna be in the movie?

What's funny is the first time I saw this, it was on Disney Channel and then I saw it on UPN (when it existed). The DC version was even more censored, which I didn't know.


the seymour butts scene

Josh: His name is.. Peter Fitz.
Tony: ..Peter Fitz... Peter Fitz? Who's Peter Fitz?! I wanna know who's Peter Fitz!
Josh: Anyone's 'Peter Fitz' if you push hard enough!


They drop an s-bomb in the mountain hike scene, just after Tony says he's going to extend the hike indefinitely. I forget who says it, but it is on the closed captions and you can clearly hear a kid say "Oh sh_t!"
