MovieChat Forums > Heavyweights (1995) Discussion > Does anyone find it ironic this movie ha...

Does anyone find it ironic this movie had a 'fat is OK' message...

And yet many of the fat kids like Kenan Thompson, the fat kid from The Mighty Ducks, Aaron Schwartz, etc. lost weight later on in life?

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


it wasn't a fat is ok message.. it's more of a do things for yourself and not be forced into anything.. since in the end they learn that they need to do things for themselves such as eat healthier and such.

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


It was the farthest thing from a fat is ok message. Ben Stiller's character was completely abusive to the campers. I think the only reason they had him be showed up, because it was a Disney film and needed a happy ending. Otherwise they'd just have continued it as a "Hahah, look at the guy abusing the hell out of those fatties. Har har har, so funny it is."


It wasn't a 'fat is okay''ll recall after that all night binging, which was just a result of food deprivation after Tony's dictatorship, Pat told them they were going to start taking care of themselves and nobody could touch them. After that they actually started working at losing weight.


it was more of a love yourself for who u are, and that means love yourself and take care of yourself. and have pride in who u want to become.

come visit my city!


They never said that "fat is ok". That isn't the message being implied. Its just that being fat shouldn't make you hate yourself or look down on yourself.



I certainly don't think Keenan lost a whole lot of weight. He still looks pretty thick on SNL. But that doesn't matter, cause he is still somewhat hilarious, and quite successful.

does anybody else think it is bizarre, though, that Keenan is on SNL after the career he had a child? its weirded me out ever since he was a "featured player"

"I don't make monkeys, I just train 'em" - Pee Wee's Big Adventure.


whats weird about him being on snl?

"I'm just like a little boy, playin' with his dick when he's nervous"


No its not wierd at all that hes on SNL he was one of the stars on All That which is the kids SNL on Nick way back when and he also did other kids SNL type skit shows like Keenan and Kel, and crappy SNL type kids movies like Goodburger.

There's a bullet out there for everyone the trick is to die of old age before it finds you.


I agree with everyone else this movie wasn't conveyed as saying "fat is ok" as you can see in the movie after they guys had their little food party Pat suggested they start working and get in shape. That is what they did, they wanted to better themselves. That is one reason I like this movie, for once it wasn't all just about being skinny, you just had a bunch of fat teens that felt confident in themselves and just wanted to have fun.


I think it was far from fat is ok. As a fat kid I both loved this movie and felt akward because I saw myself in some of the campers and I hated it. At the time I didn't like being fat and just wasnt sure how to change it yet



It wasn't actually fat is ok.

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


Pat had someone new to motivate him to lose it, and his personal revelation gave him the inspiration for spreading a very good idea to everyone else. In the Disneyesque way, Julie & Pat would have been destined to become the new operators and/or owners of Camp Hope.


No the overall message was people should lose weight willfully and not forcefully. And those child actors are a great example.

That's why Mississippi governor Phil Bryant signed a bill which forbade the government from regulating food consumption as opposed to Michelle Obama and Michael Bloomberg regulations. Bryant was like those childhood actors.


It wasn't "OK". Here's how it goes:

The boys are sent to a fat camp by their parents to lose weight. Not the best idea for some of them since their unmotivated and love junk food. But at least things were fun under the Bushkins. When Tony took over, he tortured the boys into losing weight to promote is "miracle weight loss program". Naturally, the boys rebelled, and after overthrowing Tony, they took a night to "indulge" in their junk food and just go crazy. Let 'em have their night, they've earned it. But next morning, things get serious. Pat makes a speech, telling the boys that the point of Camp Hope wasn't to torture kids into weight loss, but to motivate them to want something more. Do you want to be slow and sluggish your whole life? Do you want high cholesterol and heart problems in your old age? Do you not want the energy to do the things you love? No? Then maybe you should try exercise and eating healthy."

And that, I think, is the moral of this story. Be motivated.

