One of the better films of the '90's
I end up watching this film over again every few years, and recently did the same thing yesterday. What a great film with charm and class.
10 out of 10
I end up watching this film over again every few years, and recently did the same thing yesterday. What a great film with charm and class.
10 out of 10
I remember at the time a few reviews said it was a bit too twee and middle class - however, I do agree with you, this film has something special. It took me awhile to warm to it - I think that might have been all the hype that surrounded it at the time(Hugh Grant going big, his girlfriend Liz and the infamous dress, the famous "Love is All Around Us" being No. 1 for ages, etc.). I didn't realise what a subtle film this is, and that's something that Richard Curtis doesn't get accused of too often - compare to this to things like "Love Actually" and you notice the difference. The cast are fantastic(sadly, a few of them aren't with us any more - Charlotte Coleman and Corin Redgrave). I think pacing is superb. I also think it's Hugh Grant's best performance(he did something different for the shy leading man - it reminds me of Henry Fonda's performance in "The Lady Eve") - he should have got an Oscar nomination for that.
The film still holds up well.
boogles wrote:
I didn't realise what a subtle film this is,I certainly did not the first time that I saw it. I only came to that realization responding to ludicrous misinterpretations of the film that I ran across here.A number of people seem to have assumed that it is a conventional romantic comedy and that Carrie is supposed to be a conventional romantic comedy heroine, and they tend to be extremely reluctant to realize that is not the case. And they tend to blame Andy McDowell because Carrie is not what they expected.They try to find in the film what they expected to find, and then judge the film because they don't.A number of people have actually insisted that Ice Queen Carrie is leading poor besotted Charlie on.
compare to this to things like "Love Actually" and you notice the difference.Yep. share
Yeah, you make some good points ppllk.
I think there's other things in the film as well - like the gay relationship is handled well and also Fiona's feelings for Charles.
boogles wrote:
like the gay relationship is handled well and also Fiona's feelings for Charles.I agree. share
Yeah, the deaf brother thing was interesting - it sort of reminded me a bit of the scene in "Annie Hall" with the subtitles between Woody Allen and Diane Keaton - with the whole subtext of translating of what really people are thinking.
shareit's quite good though not one of my favourites, i find it unsatisfactory in some ways. but it had some amusing moments. i like Rowan Atkinson as the priest the best.
shareSame here, watch it now and then, always a pleasure. Greatest rom com ever.
shareI think it's the ensemble cast that makes it so rewatchable. It's a little bit interesting that in the list of similar movies to FWaaF all the British ones seem to take the ensemble approach whilst the American ones (with a couple staring Hugh Grant) are more focused on the couple.
I'm not saying the American film don't have good casts it just that they are given less to do.
Was disappointed watching it back then. Still don't really like it.